leaves curling need advice pics


Active Member
so this is my first grow and i didnt want to buy to much of the high tech stuff to do it but its in its 2nd week from seed im using a phillips 60 watt natural lamp its is in a coffee pot of half regular outdoor soil and half miracle grow soil i know miracle grow isnt the best but its all i had on hand and its in a 2 foot high box with a small air filter fan inside my question is why are the leaves curling so bad but they look healthy ive been feeding it dasani water and have it on the 18 6 light cycle any suggestions on why it looks so bad? does it look like it stands a chance?



Active Member
oh and sorry about the bad quality of the pictures cams not working so ive been using the phone to take the pics


Well-Known Member
Its still alive so it stands a chance. You should know that Miracle Grow soil usually has nutes in it and your plant is too young for nutes. You may end up with nute burn... but I see no nute burn yet... so who knows. Anyway, are you letting the soil dry out before you water? Another thing, you should leave your lights on 24/0 rather than 18/6. Thats 6 more hours of light per day your plant will get.


Well-Known Member
a few suggestions sure,
one- i suggest you buy some more light, and use different light this "natural" light made by phillips sounds like an incandecent bulb, which could also be alot of your problem seeing as though these bulbs produce more heat than usable light, essentially what im saying is go get yourself a couple cfl's and a splitter, to keep the costs low.

miracle grow soil usually has too many nutes in it and your plant is still young so you need a different alternative which would be the outside soil (good soil sticks together when squeezed but crumbles apart easily,{opinion})
also, before you used the soil from outside, you should have sterilized it, if it contained any contaminants it would make it hard for a young plant to take root, they sell some cheap low buget soil at walmart for a buck fifty a bag.

and you could get a fan it would help promote some strength on the stem, so you dont find your plant fallen over some day when you check on it, as no plants outdoors grow prefectly still.


Active Member
the outdoor soil was sterilized and i do have a fan inside keeping the plants in a steady breeze an yeah i have been letting the soil dry out


Well-Known Member
if you look in the grow journal under my name my plant looked pretty similar to this at the beginning come to find out it was rootbound. just another idea. :idea:


Active Member
well i just transplanted today the curling started yesterday it was in a plastic cup you think now that its in the coffee can itll come back to life?


Well-Known Member
well i just transplanted today the curling started yesterday it was in a plastic cup you think now that its in the coffee can itll come back to life?
perhaps, if theres enough room for the root system to stretch out as needed. i dont see why not as long as you arent overwatering or using the wrong type of light, it should be fine. in the long run.


Well-Known Member
first probably has something to do with the temperature being to high!
second better light for sure and the light should be a Flourecent and should be alot closer to the plant so the stem doesnt reach for the light in seedling stage cause that will cause the stem to grow high and lanky and which yours already has. but just get some new lights then transplant right up the the first true leaf! later man


Well-Known Member
prolly about 3 or 4 inches I started a grow journal with hella pics but no one checks it out... i took some pics this morning if you want to see I'm using a 400w hps too.


Well-Known Member
haha wow, its all good. probably under grow journals or indoor growing. just go to your profile and view all your threads/posts!