Leaves curling upward and lower leaves are white/yellow color


Active Member
botanicare nutes are complete blends. most manufacturers of three-part formulas do that so they can keep you using their line. your plant will do GREAT if you simply use the grow and bloom nutrients, which are one part nutrients. depending on your water, you may need Cal-mag plus, but you won't need the micro-nutrient mixes. Pure Blend Pro Grow and Pure Blend Pro Bloom from Botanicare give your plant everything except calcium, plus they're both organic. they will run around $20 per quart (at a decent store anyway) which lasts me through 2 months with 36 plants.


Active Member
one more thing. i hadn't notices you said you sprayers were running all day... i would add an airstone to the reservoir if you leave them on all day or pick up a cycle timer set to 1 min on and 4 min off.
I plan on getting an airstone very soon and I believe after I use up my GH nutes (no reason to let them go to waste) I will be converting to botanicare since you sold me on that. Do you have a specific feeding schedule that you wouldn't mind sharing with the batanicare nutes?
Do you know if it's ok for the roots to touch the reservoir water when they hang down too low? Things I have read so far have not been clear about this.

good news: plants have grown about 1.5 inches in 2 days from adding bloom nutes.


Hello all, I started out 6 plants from bagseed in soil then transplanted them into my aeroponic system about 2 weeks later.
They have been in the aeroponic system for about 2 weeks as well and recovered from their initial shock.
Now the lower leaves are white/yellow in color and the otherwise healthy looking leaves are curling upward longways. Plants are all 3.5-4 inches tall
I am currently using:
-GH micro 5ml/gal
-250W MH light
-Pumps run 18/6 (same as light)
-7 gal res
-light is 1.5 ft above plants
-temp:84 F and humidity around 45-50%

I believe that either it is a nutrient problem (I have been meaning to purchase the GH bloom to supplement more nutrients)
or maybe the fact that my sprayers are on all day is preventing the plants from getting enough O2.

If you have any suggestions please let me know. This is my first time using hydro/aero so please set me straight on what I'm missing!

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I think you're overduing it with the lights and heat when they are that small all I use is two 40 watt cfls and they are good for 12 plants. Better underkill than overkill right?


Active Member
your roots are going to touch the solution whether you want them to or not, so don't worry. i actually mix up a cocktail of all my botanicare nutes, so that i can measure them all at once instead of from 4 different containers.


250ml Cal-Mag Plus
175ml Liquid Karma
540ml Pure Blend Pro Grow

clean out an old milk jug and add the above ingredients. then add enough water to fill the jug. for young plants (fresh transplants), i add 1oz. of the cocktail per gallon (~300-350 ppm), and adjust to 5.8 ph. during week 2 add 2 oz. per gallon (~650-700 ppm) and again ph to 5.8


250ml Cal-Mag Plus
180ml Liquid Karma
250ml Sweet (raw, though there's also berry, citrus and grape available)
550ml Pure Blend Pro Bloom (hydro/coco formula)

mix in the same fashion as for veg. add at a rate of 1 oz per gallon (~350-400 ppm) week one, 2 oz per gal. week 2 (~750-800 ppm), and unless you're using DWC then i take mine up to 3 oz. per gallon (1100-1200 ppm) from week 3 till it's time to flush. at the beginning of week 5, i add Sugar Daddy by Technaflora, at the rate of 2 tsp. per gallon and use this till flush as well, though i wouldn't recommend carbs in the aero system if you plan to flower in it.

keep in mind that i also use CO2 and have 1000w lamps, so you may need to play around your ppm a little, but the mix can stay the same. these numbers are also for r/o water, which i do recommend that or the runoff from a dehumidifier.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
thats liquid ph is the same as what you have for accuracy. waste of money to get it and have the same thing.
and to the other guy that says botanicare has less salt. all food is a salt. except true organics and pure blend is not organic. only one in its line up is liquid karma.
food can only be taken in attached to a cabon molecule being organic or a salt...the rest of the foods we use.
you already have 2 of the 3 bottles needed why go and have to buy all those others now. isnt it cheeper to just by the 1 more needed?? and the sweet is a waste of money. kinda expensive for a bottle of sugar and using molasses does the same without the fake flavours added to it. why change the flav of the weed? isnt the weed flavs what we want.

the other guy....40 watt cfl for 12 plants....realy??? kinda lacking in light id say when a cfl is only good for a couple inches of half decent ligh pentration.
I don't think I'll be using quite as many added nutes beyond the grow and bloom and maybe cal-mag. I have heard that mixing a cocktail of nutes isn't good because it blocks certain nutes from being absorbed? maybe I'm wrong. I'm def gonna save that feeding schedule though. I really appreciate the info. I do plan on flowering in the aero and was wondering if the 3 inch net pots will be able to hold the plant when it gets bigger? or does it not matter significantly?
I have also been wondering if it is ok that I am vegging under a metal halide light? I understand that HPS works better with vegging and MH better for flower. I wanted to save money so I just got the flowering one and assumed I could use it for veg also. Over time I will get a HPS when I can afford it. 250W enough for 6 plants?

I'm not switching to botanicare yet. Like I said I am going to finish off the GH nutes I have so I don't waste them. I will try out Botanicare next time around. I'd like to get a feel for different nutes anyways and see how everything varies. Is molasses ok to use in aero? I have heard it works best with soil.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
you got the mh and hpos backwards. its hps for flowering and to be honest mh is kinda a waste these days with dual spectrum hps. is all i use here. and yes dont mix brands of nutes. so why not buy the 1 bottle you need of gh and be done

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
they are fine but dual spc is betetr as it has the blue also form mh.

mh is blue and is betetr for lateral branching is why we use in veg..or used top use them. the red hpas is more intence and is why we use in flwoer, also mimiks the fall sun colour more. the blue is a better quality light but it dies off real fast. some claim the hps will make them strecth. thats cause they have their light to far away is all and gets to hot with more lumens. to cheep to buy a real fan and use the bulb right more like it....lol
How close would you recommend placing my HPS to the tops of the plants? Mine is approx 1.5 ft from tops of plants. I also have a fan blowing in the air between the plants and the light to keep the heat down around the plants.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
a 400 has 18 inch good useable light.
600 is 22 inch
a 1k is 24 inches.
this is total light distance, not to the tops of plants. so a plant under a 1k and is taller than 2 to 3 foot is a watse of time. under my old 430 hps i was touching the glass some days, on average it was 3 to 4 inch under hoods glass. now with 600 im 6 to 8 inches from glass. and a 1k id go about 8 or more. if you cant then need a bigger fan and flans blowing between tips pf plants and hoods.
Well I have a 250W hps. So I would have a little over a foot of usable light? I guess in that case I need some mylar or something reflective to get the lower sites light right?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
nothing can make a ligtht have more lumens than it comes with. all the mylar or others do is reflect that light that reaches lower. no light to reach there then nothing to reflect. yes it will help some but dont expect a miracle adding it. not sure on the 250, never used one that small. but id imagine between the foot and 18 inch of the 400.
for me if i grew under a 250 my plants including pots wouldnt be any taller than 1 foot ocne 12/12 stretch is done, so id flower at about 8 inches or so..
What would be the effect if I were to start flower once plant is 1 ft. it will get taller and thus have not enough usable light yes, but even if there isn't much light on the bottom nodes they would still grow some buds however small while still having larger buds near the top.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya but a waste of foods and time to care for it. flower sooner and less work and foods and still get the same amount of bud and better quality from better light porocessing. and this will take away from the upper potency and quality or amounts. hell im running multi 600 hps here and still flqwoer at about 1 foot tall.
and get this stuff....this is under 2 foot inc 2 gal pots.

Ok I guess I see what your saying. Beautiful plant btw. If I were to grow a mother plant to take clones from would I need a bigger light for sure then or is it ok for veg? Cause ultimately I would like to have a mother plant to pull from and then take clones to save time with all the seed work.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
nah, ive kept moms under T-12 `s even. weekest flouro out there. just less care and slower. like less foods needed cause it grows slower and then slower cuts to.
Ok cool. I was thinking of growing my mother in soil and then have the aero for clones. But for now I gotta work out the bugs with my system as it is. Thanks again for all the info! much appreciated.