Leaves Dieing Off in 1 Day?!?!


Active Member
Is this a Phosphorus Problem? Or a PH Fluctuation? My plant doesnt drain very much guess i shoulda added more perlite to late now. so its hard for me to test the run off.

I just put it into flowering 2 nights ago.
Have only fed it Once with 10/15/10 shultz and last time i fed it was just bloom plus.



Well-Known Member
My first soil grow did that about 4 weeks into flowering but seemed to be okay. It lost a bunch but kept some of the little guys so I just trimmed the dead ones to make sure the little leaves were getting plenty of light. I think it screwed up my grow a bit but I still got some bud. I'm only doing my second grow now but have moved to hydroponics so I don't have a lot of info for you. Thought I'd respond anyhow to give you a bump and help you feel better about not having any responses after 50 some odd views.


Well-Known Member
and last time i fed it was just bloom plus.
There's your problem. Please check out Uncle Ben's thread on "The never ending abuse of phosphorus in flowering". When you feed with high phosphorus fertilizers, you upset the balance of nutrients in solution, I've seen it happen a million times on this forum.

A high phosphorus fertilizer doesn't make the plant flower, the photoperiod does, and overdoing phosphorus isn't going to give you fat buds, in fact, quite the contrary, it'll reduce your yeild and generally cause ill-health to your plant.

Plants don't really care so much what the ratio of nutrients are, so much as there is enough of everything. During Vegetative growth, Nitrogen is the primary nutrient in use, so using a fert high in N is best, say 10-5-7 or something similar. During Flowering nitrogen is still very important but the plant will begin to use more phosphorus for building flowers, so using a fert ADEQUATE in P is best, say 7-10-10. During the transition from veg to flowering (first 2 weeks of 12/12), equal amounts of NPK is fine.

I learned the hard way with my last crop when I added "Monster Bloom" which has a NPK of 0-50-30, it yellowed the shit out of everything. Personally, I'm done with bloom boosters and have had much better success using adequate (not too much, not too little) amounts of NPK to keep everything in balance.


Active Member
i feel like if this keeps up im going to lose my entire plant...

What would you guys recommend for the next feeding? will have to water in about 4-5 days i want to be prepared and ready to conquer this problem and try to keep as much of my life still alive.

Also. i heard of people getting rida the small growth under the canopy should i strip all the real small crap on each stem?

