Leaves not spreading out.


Well-Known Member
First off I apologize I could not get photos, my batteries are charging as I type this though.

It happened to my clones and with 1 plant that was started from seed and put right in to 12/12 to determine sex then to 24/0

Leaves not spreading out with growth -- as in the leaves are not in groups of 3 or 5 or whatever. It is just 1 single leaf sticking out from the stem. These were started in my basement under 4 foot shop lights. The basement is quite filthy and has a lot of bugs now that summer is here. They have since been removed and brought back into my closet and it seems like the new growth is normal again.

Has anyone ever encountered this? I take it, it was mostly an environment issue.


Well-Known Member
Without photos it is difficult to determine. However, reverting back to veg after initiating flowering is very stressful. It could be shock from the stress.

Good luck and good growing.


Active Member
I had this problem with one of my seeds a few weeks back and I added some Nitrogen (seen as its a baby still) then adjusted my lighting (as my room was too hot) and it seemed to grow out slowly now. Try one of the tips above otherwise maybe itll just grow out in time. Not 100% to be honest, but just thought id post how I sorted the problem out.