Leaves On Lower Part Of Plant Turning Yellow And Withering


Active Member
Hello fellow growers!

We've just started growing some Northern Lights about three weeks ago. The lower leaves are starting to turn yellow and the outer tips of the leaves are drying out and withering. Is this normal or is it a sign of a deficiency?

We've recently started giving the half strength of our nutes called HESI (www.hesi.nl). But only for one or two days before these pictures were taken.

Take a look at the pictures. Are our plants OK or is there something wrong?



Well-Known Member
looks like fertilizer burn, northern lights is nute tolorant tho right? weird.. id flush no nutes for a week man, just water let it right it's self maybe a lil super thrive, just a few drops in a gallon goes a long way.


Well-Known Member
nute burn. ud be suprised how much of a difference even 5ml can make. i used 10ml of flowering nutes, the last time i used 15ml and got nute burn, u just gotta be careful with them.

just give them water for another few feeds so new growth wont be affected


Active Member
Thanks for your replies people.

But the thing is, the discoloration appeared before we started giving them nutes. We started giving them nutes because of the yellow discoloration of the lower leaves.


Well-Known Member
the new growth will always be a pale green then get darker, u probably fed them and didnt know.


Active Member
ahh good info guys my new original skunk batch is doing the same, i will flush with ph neutral water for a week and see how i go