Leaves Turning Yellow!


Hi All,

first time grower here, just received some clones which i am growing outside, they were in coco peat which i moved into 20 litre(5 gal approx) pots with a mixed varity of potting mix, cow manure, mushroom compost and lime. They were planted 2 days ago and the leaves are turning yellow. Not sure if its just shock from the move. I gave them a good watering on the day i moved them into the new pots. The soil is still nice a moist but not soaking or dry. Im in perth WA and its about 35degrees (centigrade) at the moment middle of summer. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks

Please see image.



Active Member
From what I know lime isn't the best thing to add to soil its very acidic I might be wrong maybe someone here with abit more experience in soil mixtures can comment on this what ph is your water and did you feed her when you transplanted


Well thats a burn of some kind, you can see that a mile off, bleached the leaves right through.. That soil mix sounds overkill to me.. I tend to stick with pre made organic soils myself... but yeah that mixture sounds like a lot of food... potting mix, compost and manure..????
If thats fresh manure, the burn is probably coming from ammonia! If so I would be getting that plant out of there and into some mellower soil.
Lime is a good soil amendment and raises Ph. I have seen plants burn like that on chicken sht.


just got the manure from a garden store not sure how fresh it is! they have only been in this soil for 4 days now do you think i should just leave them and see if they pull through or get them out and repot them?


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't put manure in mj soil unless it's been composted first. Fresh manure will burn, composted manure will not. If it doesn't say composted on it, it's probably relatively fresh.

Repot. Leaving them in there is just asking for more issues. Leave the old soil to sit for quite a while to compost and you can reuse it at a later date if you want -- i'd use it for outdoor (normal) plants and just start with fresh soil if it were me though :)

Fresh manure is great for grass. Spread it on your lawn and water it in if you want to green the fuck up out of your yard.


No worries, thanks for the advice. When i get home today ill repot them. I've got a worm farm and some potting mix should i do a 75potting/25compost mix?


Well-Known Member
Sure just make sure you've got good aeration in there... not sure what you are using but just noticed I don't see much of any perlite in your top pic?? Are you using something else to keep the soil draining well? If you're getting root rot in there from lack of drainage that could also be producing something similar to what you are seeing. Your mix should be like 1/3 perlite and/or vermiculite by volume for drainage.

Do you know how to make a compost tea? Use your castings/compost to brew an aerobic tea (low n-p-k) and feed to your baby after planting might help her recover too.


Hi All,

I have repotted the plant in a 75% organic potting mix and 25% compost mix. Do you suggest i remove the old burnt leaves?

Thanks for all your help


The burnt leaves will remove themselves mate ;) This is still salvageable though.. put them in a new home and in a week or two they should pick back up....
just got the manure from a garden store not sure how fresh it is! they have only been in this soil for 4 days now do you think i should just leave them and see if they pull through or get them out and repot them?
Sorry apparently I did not select "instant email notification" when I subscribed this thread. Looks like your in good hands though!
Post back in a week or two, and let us know how your girl is doing. best to ya...


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's soil so don't freak out if she doesn't get better in just 1 or 2 days but if you got the mix right now they should be looking good pretty soon :) Looking forward to seeing new pics of them healing



Hi all,

Here is a picture taken on the (01/02/2012) when i repotted her.

and here is a picture taken thismorning (08/02/2012).

Since i have repotted her shes gone crazy grew heaps and looks really healthy!
She looks great, wow thats 6 days!?
Just got done trashing 9 males in the grow room, your healthy girl pic has brightened my day. :)
Have a nice grow and let us know how its going when you have time, best to ya.


Yeah looking alot better now!

Although im getting this on the leaves any idea what this might indicate? Thanks for your help guys!
Heya Frazcat,

I would just guess, this could be old damaged tissue just now showing itself, or if you didnt actually rinse the roots clean then maybe there is still a little poop left there. ;) Either way she looks like she is on the mend.
If it is not effecting the new growth, I would just keep an eye on it and if it gets notably worse, then I guess it will be time for some new ideas.

If your anything like me, your probably being more critical after the little mishap! If she doesnt look any worse today then I think the problem is solved, and just a matter of waiting for her to replace a few leaves.
Take care...