Leaves twisting (slight cupping as well?)


Well-Known Member
since your veg formula is slightly low on the N
I would use it to your advantage
for example
start at EC0.5 and leave it there(so youknow your safe)
when you see slightly yellowing of the lower leaves you know its time to bump it up to 0.6 or 0.7

the N should show def before anything else as long as your not over feeding


Well-Known Member
when managing your reservoir follow these rules

Originally Posted by OldPhart
Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes (maybe)


Well-Known Member
another option and a possibly better one would be to add silica... this would eliminate the need for kool bloom or mpk

but only if your ph is manageable since the silica can raise your ph


Well-Known Member
Wow. Just wow. Thanks so much! That is definitely a lot of information to sort through and as soon as I am home from work I'll go over it with a fine tooth comb. From the quick skimming I was able to give it just now I did noticed you mentioned silica. I do have a bottle of silica blast (I forget it's AN or botanicare, I'll check when I get home). For pH adjustment I us GH pH UP and pH Down. I'll give you more info and formulate any questions I may have after I've read through it all. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
if you get tired of chasing N def and don't want to spray aminos

feed this starting e couple weeks into veg or when the current feed schedule shows N def

this formula requires no calmag ...just the Epsom salt at 1gram per gallon