leaving for london to see shpongle in 8 hours


Well-Known Member
oh yeah its fionally here im aboutto lkeave for shpongle at 2 in the afternoon concert is on friday i think or saturday whichever dya is halloween i cant wait i been tyring to see them for years this is gonna eb a once in a lifetime concert experiene well worth the 6 or so thousand dollars ive spent to make this happene everyone wisjh me luck for my flight i cant wait yall!!!!!

im ready to be shpongled!!!!!


Well-Known Member
oh my god shpongle was awsome i met some asain kid with long hair and a solid white obe who had a bottle of l who dosed me up really nice and some other folsks kept feeding us free molly we got wrecked and hada blast they had dogs sniffoing at the door and i had my girl holding the stsh the dog hit on me and she walked right by so they searched me and found nothing then we went upstairs abnd got trashed ;)
apparently they mix thier herb with tobacco thier peopl; ewere freaking out hitting our all weed/hash joints they couldnt believe we used sxo much herb for a joint and i couldnt believe they ruined thiwers with tobacco lol there is a bunch of video fromn the show on youtube and they filmed it for a dvd imn gonna order when it comes out ill liink soeme clips

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Well-Known Member
I listened to the song Shpongleyes on mushrooms while camping i couldnt handle it lol.


Well-Known Member
good luck.

never heard of them.

London sucks.
London sucks???? Man london is the most fantastic place I've been. And ive been around. All depends on what interests you suppose. Love London. Cant wait to live there in 2 years.


Well-Known Member
London sucks???? Man london is the most fantastic place I've been. And ive been around. All depends on what interests you suppose. Love London. Cant wait to live there in 2 years.

ah man. i have never been and dont really want to. my friend has moved back and forth from there 2 or 3 times.

its far to busy for me (i tend to get road rage) and everything is so expensive and just everything is so congested.

but i suppose i can see why u like it. everything is there.