LED CFL Scrog Grow - Under Construction


Active Member
Hey Everyone,

Been lurking here for a while and just wanted to say hello and keep you updated on my progress. I will be starting my grow in the near future to help alleviate the cost of medical strains here. I have been researching a few different styles of lighting from HID to LED and CFL and I have finally decided on a few specific types to maximize my efficiency.

So far I have built just about everything from scratch and will be updating with suggestions and guides as we go so all you out there in the interwebs can replicate my craziness.

For this grow I got a procyon 100 for my LED supplemental light and I will also be using two home made fixtures for some full spectrum 10,000 LUX CFL bulbs that are normally used in SAD light therapy for folks with seasonal affective disorder.

The Procyon will be in the middle of the rack and the 10klux fixtures will be on either side. I know there is an ongoing debate but I chose my lighting for a reason and dont wish to continue that debate here. Feel free to comment on my thinking to contribute more to this forum and the grow journal.

See the first attached file for the spectrum analysis of Plant Photosynthesis. I think typical red and blue spectrum LED grows are unsuccessful because they dont also incorporate light in other wavelengths as well. While peak wavelengths are blasted with high intensity light the rest of the photosynthetic compounds in plant matter suffer as their ideal specturm might not be represented. But as supplemental lighting goes I dont see why a little boost in the peak photosynthetic Wavelengths would hurt at all. Now if these 10,000 LUX compact fluorescent lights are as bright as advertised I think I will be in good shape.

Because they are specifically designed to replicate sunlight they also can emit a little UV light which could damage precious plant material in question my home made reflector and unit incorporate museum quality archival glass to block 100% of UV light emitted by the fixtures. While normal glass will block something like 60-70% on its own the extra cost was minimal while upgrading to the better glass.

So I am hoping that the full spectrum lights running at 2x55 watts and the Procyon at about 100 watts will create a bountiful garden of eden in my attic...

The plan is to have a somewhat mobile solution to help with adjusting the light heights. Simple scrog setup on wheels. Because this is in an old attic playroom for my kids ( who have moved off to college now ) the celing is slanted and can provide for interesting mounting solutions. I decided to create a rack that runs on rails. Adjusting the height of the lights is easy as pie. Just slide them up the rails a bit more at a time.

Still deciding what I want to grow for strains so I am growing peppers tomatoes and basil in the mean time.

I will post pictures when I have time but for now you will have to wait :) Any feedback would be appreciated and guidance is welcome.



Active Member
Hey Everyone!

Wanted to update you all. Due to certain problems I have been delayed in sharing my progress but here we go :D

Built a simple rubbermaid CFL LED ebb and flow grow and will continue to make changes as I have time.

As I was waiting for my seeds I decided to plant some other herbs and things to get a head start on the spring weather and you can see in the pictures Basil, Tomatoes, and some wicked pepper plants.

I also have attached some pictures of my 4 day old babies. Comments are always welcome :D enjoy the Pics.

Here is the gallery link with descriptions on the pictures.




Active Member
I know there is not much that is very exiting yet but I just ordered some Plasma lights that look promising :D relatively inexpensive especially considering the cost of LED's. Please leave some comments or suggestions if you have any thoughts.