LED MODULE F TYPE Led Strips Series: LT-VB24F / 15632 lm per Strip

Yeah man. They're a better value than pretty much anything I've seen.
How so? It's a 132lm/W strip vs a 168lm/W strip. That efficiency difference would normally be worth a whole lot more than the price difference between those strips. You'd need four times as many of those "cheap" strips to achieve the same efficacy.

Buying low efficacy strips to save a few bucks in general is a bad idea.
How so? It's a 132lm/W strip vs a 168lm/W strip. That efficiency difference would normally be worth a whole lot more than the price difference between those strips. You'd need four times as many of those "cheap" strips to achieve the same efficacy.

Buying low efficacy strips to save a few bucks in general is a bad idea.

Id say if you only have a few bucks to buy strips with and you dont pay for power the the efficency of the lower output strips does not really matter, like i my case, it depends on what circumstances you are sitting with like i can either buy 3 of the 15k lumens strips and get 45k lumens or buy 2 of the 17k lumens strips and get 34k lumens and still pay a bit more for those 2 strips, so it all depends on each and everyones circumstances they are in at that moment of buying the strips, but yeah the f series gen 3 is definately the way to go for efficiancy if that is all that matters.

Absolutely, can't disagree with that. No matter how efficient, it is just a matter of time until someone makes something better enough to make you consider the new stuff again.
For me, at the time I bought it, the gen 3 F strips was the best deal out there. Pricing was closer to what you pay now for 25 units price break at the time.
Id say if you only have a few bucks to buy strips with and you dont pay for power the the efficency of the lower output strips does not really matter
You usually can also double the power to the more efficient lights and get the same light production at the same price and still at less power usage.

So in general buying (very) low efficiency stuff is not a good idea.

Besides, if efficiency is completely not an issue, why not simply go for HPS or CMH?
You usually can also double the power to the more efficient lights and get the same light production at the same price and still at less power usage.

So in general buying (very) low efficiency stuff is not a good idea.

Besides, if efficiency is completely not an issue, why not simply go for HPS or CMH?

In south africa where i live summer times can easily get to 45 degrees celsius so hps wont make it without aircon
I used a large room and flowered without ever running the AC down in the winelands at over 42C some days. Will be insulating the roof after this run.
I used a large room and flowered without ever running the AC down in the winelands at over 42C some days. Will be insulating the roof after this run.

Cape Winelands District ? Im also from here lol, was that with the Leds?
Yep, heat wasn't an issue, just feed silica regularly.
If you don't squeeze too much light into the room, a few hundred watts isn't all that much.
I mean the room I am in has a PC with dual monitors, 3 aquariums with pumps and heaters etc... And I am wearing two tops and a windbreaker. I will be moving shit into a smaller room though to make it cheaper to climate control for consistency.
Good Day

Has any1 used some of these strips i see they cost almost the same as the F Series Gen 3 samsung strips and give double the output lumens wise almost at 140 something lumens per watt they seem good.



There is something wrong with your calculation, mate. They cost almost the same but F-strip gen3 delivers up to 18.000lm in 4000°k. 4ft double row can run with up-to 3,6A too(~175w), so besides the slightly better price F series are still winning.


You could drive two 4ft double row F-strips in parallel with an HLG-320H-48A and you would still get +150lm/w. With this driver you would have ~350w at the wall, dimmable down to 170w and total output would be ~50.000lm.
Do youself a favor and take F-series... they win, no matter how you look at it.
The only way to beat F-strip effiency would be Sammy's H-inFlux series. 4pcs L09 double row strips at 1,6Amps would be ~300-320w with +160lm/w or ~51.000lm.. They cost a bit more but higher upfront cost pays themself pretty fast..