LED or 600w HPS in closet with fans only?

So why only put 2 gallons of soil in a 4 gallon pot? doing so only reduces the potential size of your plant...and why bring it in doors? as long as the day time temps are above 50 you will get bud growth...what part of the country are you from?...if you finish in that closet you will need to keep the door open and have a fan blowing fresh air in... stail air means no co2...the plant will use what is around the leaves then stop growing for lack of co2...what size is the closet?...if that is your only plant then leave it outside and start a new batch indoors...I really need more info.
So why only put 2 gallons of soil in a 4 gallon pot? doing so only reduces the potential size of your plant...and why bring it in doors? as long as the day time temps are above 50 you will get bud growth...what part of the country are you from?...if you finish in that closet you will need to keep the door open and have a fan blowing fresh air in... stail air means no co2...the plant will use what is around the leaves then stop growing for lack of co2...what size is the closet?...if that is your only plant then leave it outside and start a new batch indoors...I really need more info.

I ran out of soil. I have 2 other plants growing, still outside. One is an auto.
I'm in Michigan. I brought it inside because it's been getting chilly. Especially at night. Last year around this time my plant died from being outside on a particularly cold night.

I've been bringing one of the outdoor plants inside at night & back out in the morning.

Pretty much experimenting until I get a proper indoor setup