Led shed


Well-Known Member
I soak when I foliar. Let the spray drip down then as it evaporates the plant absorbs it through the stomas on the under side of the leaves.
Same here and after my first run doing foliars I cannot stop the plants respond so well to them and I saw the diffirence in vigor strength size immediately first go around doing foliars. They are a regular part of my growing now regardless of medium being used. There's so much you can foliar feed a plant that they love ...........
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Well-Known Member
Same here and after my first run doing foliars I cannot stop the plants respond so well to them and I saw the diffirence in vigor strength size immediately first go around doing foliars. They are a regular part of my growing now regardless of medium being used. There's so much you can foliars a plant that they love ...........
I'm a massive fan of foliar feeding. Combats lockouts. I'm spouting everywhere about amino acids at the minute. But when you stand and physically watch cell structure repairing in front of you. You can't argue. I always foliar when using any vitamin or seaweed kind of extract as they are absorbed so much faster. And if you're in soil you have the added advantage of getting an extra dry day in your rhizosphere


Well-Known Member
I'm in coco. Only use a ph drop kit and with my regime at the moment I barely need that. My ph drops to 6.2ish just adding nutes and aminos
Awesome thanks I have had good results in Coco in the past I am thinking for the nectar for the gods test run coming up of cutting my organic soil 50/50 with Coco. My reasoning is then in theory I should be able to water and feed more often better oxygenation to the root zone and the worms love to eat the stuff...........


Well-Known Member
Awesome thanks I have had good results in Coco in the past I am thinking for the nectar for the gods test run coming up of cutting my organic soil 50/50 with Coco. My reasoning is then in theory I should be able to water and feed more often better oxygenation to the root zone and the worms love to eat the stuff...........
No probs mate. I use AN sensi grow and Bloom ph perfect and the results so far have been ridiculous. I'll tag you in my thread if you want so you can have a look. I'd run organics but takes too long and costs too much for me lol


Well-Known Member
A large percentage of uptake is through the leaves in the form of humidity. I swear by foliar feeding now. By far the best way to deal with lockouts or deficiencies
Should you ph your foliar spray? We are thinking of using seaweed on them and it's quite acidic
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Well-Known Member
I don't have to ph at all in coco
Doesn't make it good practice. Everyone's water supply is different. I use ph perfect nutes and they still only get my ph to 6.8 add the 3 amino acid tablets and that takes it to 6.2 which in my opinion is still off for coco but they're happier with that than water ph'ed with either phosphorus or sulphur ph downs.