The lrs 150 is about £22 but im clueless at the moment about how many id need .
The hlg 240 is around £70
Cost is an issue . The aim is to build a great quality light at the cheapest cost . Why are the lrs cheaper ?
At the moment im thinking
2 x driver HLG-240H-C1400B. £120
16 x led strips 1568 xlm301b. £230
16 x heatsinks £130
I think it will be around 400watts at 1400ma but could be adjusted to run softer ,
Total £480
Equavilant to the number of lm301b on 5.44444 quantum boards . Which i think would cost around £870. I need to check that . This is the first time ive looked at the costs
To have anodized heatsink would cost an extra 100, would it make much difference ?
Would the driver be able to be adjusted in current from 700ma up to 1400ma ?
that's a very good suggestionGary I thought you were lighting up a 4x2 ft space? You can just buy this for £269.
The 1120mm long x 24mm wide Bridgelux EBs are ok at 30 watts, but they have about 4 x the surface area, so I'm guessing some heat sink will be needed. I think 25mm or wider aluminum angle would probably give enough cooling for 30 watts per strip. I'd like to see this build, something new!I don't know enough about the cooling efficiency of those strips, but i suppose they could do 20-25 watts (1-1.25 amp x 20 volt) without an actual heatsink... That remains to be seen though.
What builds have you used that driver on? I haven't heard anything good about itBut a cheap alternative is that you can get two Meanwells LRS-150-36, pair them up in series, and run 6 strips per driver (3 sets of 2 strips). You'd end up with a total of 12 strips and 2 separate lights.
I'll have a look into that driver . How many watts do you think the lights would put out and how many amps would each strip get ?
Another thought , there are 98 lm301b on a strip . On a quantum board there are 288 (i think) . Does that mean 3 of these strrips is a little better than a quantum board . My only thought is the bin codes might be shit.
I can get heatsinks that the strips fit to .
From highest to lowest bin it's a big difference like 20%The best light for comparison is probably the xl quantum board from diy led uk.its running 288 x 3 lm301b = 864 at £380
Around one of the pair of lights i quoted for . So £240.
It really depends on the quality of the lm301b on each of the boards. But how much difference can there be between bin codes.
Im going to look in to ppfd and par etc .see how many strips i actually need