Leeevinnn's 'raw sugar cane' batch


So me and a couple friends toke some badseed off some nug we were smoking, and decided to start a full on serious grow, we set up a cheap cardboard box with barely 30watts in it. Nothing good at all, and was very unorganized, and was un-successful.
I just started a second grow today, out of a maybe 3' X 2' X 3'

Something that looks like this:

Will be getting updates with full box pictures - (stay tuned - SUBSCRIBE)
Please reply to my thread with any advice, suggestions, comments, or just to stop by and say something please do, also subsribe to the thread by going to Thread Tools at the top of the thread and press the sub-menu to "Subscribe".

Box specialties:
Two light fixures
In-take fan(giant)
Out-take fan (small)
Adjustage light heights
Fully hinged door no light escapes the box

Light specialties:
40W CFL and two 32W fluroscents.

Aug. 23rd -
Planted the seed today and watered
Aug. 27th -
Clearly visible sprout
Aug. 29th -
Plant looks to be around 3 inches tall.
Watered the plant today aswell.
Sept. 3 -
Tremendous growth, second set of leaves appeared and are beginning to grow in.


Aug. 29th -

Thank you, and remember to subscribe and comment please!


Well-Known Member
Hi :D. Everything is looking great! I would get one more of those 2600k cfls when your in flowering. 100w per plant is right where you need to be at to start getting good results. I'm, sub'd. gl with the grow, ill keep checking in.. :leaf: :leaf:


Active Member
Reflective surface can be bought at wallymart. Also make sure the plants have room to grow. In my experience, lights should be about 3 inches away at the start. If the lights are to close during the Veg process they will not reach for light at all. (they will stay small and compact if light is ontop of them) Grow with high thoughts my friend.


Active Member
The space blanket at wallymart is about $2.88. well worth the value, supposedly it reflects all the leftover light. IMO it work very well. I was told it makes your effective light double. In my personal experience it has doubled my rate of growth over the past several weeks.


Thanks for all the advice guys, I have around 100W's about 2 inches from the plant right now 18/6 on a timer already. I have about a 2 1/2FT vertical growing space. So I should be fine + LST

EDIT#1:And about the space blanket, I'm just using tin foil, I like the way it looks too.

Big update tommorow!


Big update #1:

Sorry for shitty pictures, next pictures will be perfect. I have 5 people in my house for labor day weekend, and I managed to get these. That one light is off because I accidently pulled the coord for it, and the other light fixure + 6500K is token out because I accidently broke the circuit.
Sept. 5th 2:20PM:



Well-Known Member
gl levin....my plant was born one day before yours...it looks to be about the same size as mine....I have two 23 watt 6500k cfl's in there right now :peace:


I'm going to try and get some Mylar soon.

@Cowboy, you should put some more watts on you're plant trust me its worth it


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try and get some Mylar soon.

@Cowboy, you should put some more watts on you're plant trust me its worth it
Oh I am believe me....Once it gets a little bigger I have 10 more bulbs to add :blsmoke:

Check ebay for space blankets.....I picked up 4 of them for like 6 bucks total shipped


Active Member
I got a like 6 ft by 4ft mylar blanket for like $5. I am subscribed ;) Check out my grow if you got time, I always like to give and receive tips!


I don't think I'll be able to get a space blanket, I just coated most of the walls and the door should make it better.