Legal Bud?


Cheese Head
Has anyone tried any of this stuff? What type of high is it? Or is there one?
My wife is a pot head like me but I can take one hit of anything and im high and stay high. It takes her 3-4 bowls to get high then is not high after like 30 mins and is kinda running my wallet empty. "which is why i grow now"
But im wondering if this legal herbs will do the trick like the stuff you see in high times.

Oh and how about those vaporizers do they work?


Well-Known Member
Its bullshit do not waste your money... Its just a headache in a bag. Grow your own and save your money. Get a good female, and keep her in the vegetative stage under 18-24hrs of light. Learn about cloning if you dont already know how, you will never have to buy a seed... flower the clones in a separate room and you can judge the height you want before you flower. If you want to keep them short flower them as soon as it has good roots!

But yeah, those legal buds...... a major disappointment.


Cheese Head
thanks hillbilly saved me some wasted money! Yeah i cloned my girl i have grew a couple times outside with good results but this is my first indoor grow and I love it "just cost a little more money" But have you ever tried one of those vaporizers?