Legal Drugs

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I have had laced shit a couple of times.. it does happen.

No they don't. None of the fucks on this site can read a gc/ms assay.. they listen to the vendor and assume the vendor is not a lying piece of shit
(e.g. Haupt-RC, the motherfucker who killed my best friend. Google Bromo-Dragonfly).

Documentation please? And "good drugs"? What the fuck?
Know your substance, know your source.

I know the bud I get is good, it's dank as shit and is real nice no seeds. No reason to add anything, besides it's sourced in colorado dispensaries.. I don't think med patients are worried about laced buds when they walk into the dispensary :D

Same about knowing with the JWH. If I were to get more JWH I trust the vendor implicitly ;)

but yeah, you can always say, 'what if' :P

Sil Dil

Active Member
Fathertime I definitly noticed how much more expensive the legal drugs are than if I were to do the real alternative. For example, two pure pills were about half as effective as one tablet of ecstacy or MDMA and double the price. And just to address the question of thier saftey again, my point is not to advocate these legal drugs and say that doing them everyday is nearly as safe as smoking pot everyday. I am just trying to say that at least these companies list all thier ingredients on the back of package and at least I can google everything in them and know exactly what I'm taking. My point was just that, along with knowing a dealer who has both added cocaine and windex to some of his buds, that some dealers are looking for an edge over thier competition and dont mind risking customer health to keep them comin back. I wouldn't count out any dealer unless hes a close friend, basicially, dime bags dont come with all the ingredents listed on the back, haha. And I just think it's silly to think that the majority of kids buying pot know exactly where it came from. By the time a Kid buys a 20sac it's been sold at least 2-3 times as part of a bigger count. Dont get me wrong gents, I'm done with the legal stuff, just a fun experiement. Smoke Ganaja for life!

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
everytime you go to a fest and eat a roll or a gel tab you have no idea what your taking. rolls are hardly ever real mdma and cid rarely ever L

Gold medal bong hits

Active Member
Yeah it really is worth it. I have vowed not to eat any more Rolls tell I get me a test kit. Last one i got was a methbomb that made my heart feel weird.


Ironic isn't it how the legal stuff tends to be less safe then the illegals. You have these companies doing all kinds of shit to their products just to make them legal. I fell into the trap a while back when mephedrone was legal in thinking "oh its legal so it must be safe" -.-