Less humidity???


Active Member
yeah, that's bud mold. Good luck with that. You can cut out the affected areas, but cut at least 2" further than the spots that you see mold. Drop you humidity, reduce watering, raise your temp, keep night temps above 70 and you might finish ok. Or go buy a sulfer vaporizer, that will kill it, but still do all those things i just listed.

People, keep your humidity down during flowering.

big thanks!!!!!!


Active Member
yes if you go over 45% at any consistent rate you are asking for the deadly PM no doubt about it

keep it as low as possible esp. for bushy plants


Well-Known Member
Your getting false readings near your hood. The meter measures relative humidity. Relative to temperature as the above poster was talking about. Sounds like your MH hood is just a little warmer.

Good luck on the bud rot dude. I would suggest harvesting as soon as practical. When you start cutting those infected buds the spores are going to go everywhere!
ok so the charcoal was a joke. i moved the fan, now the temps are the same and the rh is still 6-9% lower on the side above the mh.
im leaning towards adding another mh keeping the hps in the middle