Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds


Well-Known Member
and then something happened....

i put down -
4 WW seeds
3 PPP seeds
2 mystery seeds

4 germinating, i wrapped the seeds in 3 paper towels (one for each type) kinda did like a fold thing with them, then i put the paper towel folds in a jar with a sealed lid and placed on my water heater. i put a small amount of water in the bottom of the jar, oh and i also put a little water on a plate to moisten the towels first.

allright! moving on.

i have a party to go to tonight, now i really have a reason to celebrate!:hump:

hopefully tomorrow i will get those clones into some bigger pots.

i should also take my clones from the two larger plants n vegg to get them started so i have room for my new ones. 9 new plants can be a little bit of a crowd... but a happy crowd nonetheless...

just think- theres like 19 more days until i get that camera.. then theres no excuses.


Well-Known Member
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh. I'll have some good WW and a side order of PPP please". Suuuuwhhhheeeet. I can't wait to see you witness these girls take off (girls I say!).

I wonder what the mystery seeds are.


Active Member
flower pimp do you know any good seed banks that ship to the states.one that doesnt have any information on the envolope the send about where it came from.dont want any legal problems ya know.also how much am i looking at spending lowes to highest.


Well-Known Member
flower pimp do you know any good seed banks that ship to the states.one that doesnt have any information on the envolope the send about where it came from.dont want any legal problems ya know.also how much am i looking at spending lowes to highest.
Hashishan...I know that Pimp used www.marijuana-seeds.nl and he'd be able to tell you how happy he was with them. I know that they do have an EXCELLENT fem selection...the most I've seen I think.

I used Nirvana www.nirvana-shop.com for my seeds. They are EXTREMELY stealth and I won't post their secret stealth practices (so as to tip any one off), but rest assured, you can order from Nirvana and NOT worry. On top of this, I had my seeds in under 2 weeks. They were shipped within 1 week.

Yes, they ship to the states, so does the seed bank Pimp used.


Well-Known Member
i just took, i think 6 or 7 clones from the larger vegging plants. i still want to take 2 or 3 more. i claim these as my best attempt to clone with dirt. i used hormones and put them straight into the dirt. if this doesn't work well, then i will need some type of dome to put over them.

i notice a difference today in the seedlings.. the one that is in flower has much larger leaves. i really need to move past the cfls.. the holidays makes this a little tough, but we will see what happens.

i took a bud from the plant, it looks good.. all the trichs are clear but fully formed. its out to dry now, in a couple of days i will smoke it. hell ya!

mary- i will have to check out your pics tommorow, i'm super hung over and need to eat... will be looking in to reflectix but not sure my area is good for that... to big i think.


Well-Known Member
Reflective is very expensive actually. A 25 foot roll was around 50 bucks... It did the trick though. I'm sure you'll figure it out ;-).

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hey Pimp, super hung over huh. Sounds like you had a good time then. I'm working on a little different cloning method for my next batch (some is info that I got on this site but not all of it). Personally I would not clone in dirt. To slow and can be a low success rate. I didn't have much luck with it but some did root. Water is by far the best method but I would highly recommend putting a bubbler in it. It will speed up the growth quite a bit. If I have time later I'll post a couple things for you from my library.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hey Pimp, Here's a couple that maybe you have not seen. I made a cheapo areo cloner but a little different. I'll report on how it does. On my last batch here I noticed that all of the roots that are starting are above the waterline. I do have a bubbler in it and they are getting sprayed by the popping bubbles. And 9 out of 9 have roots starting. That is what made me want to try the aero method even more.



Well-Known Member
i know what you mean about the low success rate cloning with dirt.. i will know even better in a few days. it looks like they might make though. but i hope they do it faster than normal, just this once

i like the cloner pictured above, it is very simple and looks to be good at its job. +rep
nice setup too. i'm glad the rock star is doing good, shes got super nice thick hair

i see that my plants have aqcuired the cold pot syndrome as pictured in that link, it just started happening. i switched the veg time to help fix this. i will be looking forward to the weekend to help fix the source of the problem.

just about all seeds are popped out of the dirt. there are maybe 2 that need 1 to 2 more days. the two ww that i planted monday or tuesday, cant remember which almost have there seed leaves.

i moved the veg room around today taking advantage of multiple levels.

the biggest plant in veg recieved its second trim, its simply going wild with branches. i almost wonder if they will be too tight. or better yet, if i have a wonderful mom, ready to give branching clones... this type of growth i would think would be awesome for this. if i can just figure it out with a stavia.

i clipped 2 more popcorn buds, they were almost all orange, it looks like the trichs are still clear though. this is fun.


Well-Known Member
today i moved all the seeds into the veg room, except one.. i cant find the thing any where. i don't know, maybe an ant carried it a way for its own garden.. uhhh, happy growing ant buddy....

every one is happy growing, my guinee plant is about over, its starting to turn yellow. i think from now out it will only get water. any thoughts on that???

topping and trimming is awesome, i have two super bushy plants! i cant wait to see how they fair compared to the rest, most likely i will always go this route.

just about 15 days till i get a camera..... oh the wait...

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
Hey Pimp, Sounds like it would be a good time to stop the nutes. Some say it is good to flush them also. Get rid of any leftovers. Have you read about revegging a plant after a first harvest and getting another grow out of her? I know it worked for a friend of mine and I hope to try it. But not until I have more space. Ya the topping and trimming can make for a nice bushy plant. The cloning is going pretty good. Potted some and put some in hydro. I'll post pics after they grow some. Not positive but I might see the start of some root nubs starting on the ones in my new areocloner thing. It's been 3 days since they were cut and put in there. Bet you can't wait to get that first harvest. Did you know it's good to let it cure for a couple months to make a better smoke? But you probably won't be able to wait that long. I never could either. !5 more days till camera. Bet you can't wait for that either. Took some pics when I was transfering tonight. These were cut 16 days ago and put in my hydrocloner. 9 out of 9 rooted and these were top branches from when I gave one of the known females a trim. Momma is in flower now and is looking very nice.



Well-Known Member
so thats it then, i shall stop the nutes and just do water. i dont think i'm going to flush really at all, from what i see, when using organics your ok. i guess we will see. i have heard about the second flower thing. i wont be doing any of that with this plant, although she has been good to me! i have set my self up with a hand full as it... i will try to let them cure for a month, i know at least for some of it, i will most likely keep experimenting with this plant and its harvest. so it will be a smoke as i go thing, i dont smoke a whole super amount, if i get more than a q- i should make it a month of curing, but then again i grew it and i dont know how i will handle that feeling yet...:weed:

those have great looking roots, i can only imagine how well that hydro thing you made works! sometime i will get one of those... right now, i have a total freeze on all my funds so i'll be waiting on anything.... :shock: all though what i really want is a 400 watt hps ballast.. keep up the hair cuts...


Well-Known Member
Right on man. Yeah, I agree in stopping the nutes.

I can't imagine how cool it will feel to smoke your own grow. How are you planning to dry and cure?

I am planning to do stop nutes about 2 weeks from harvest. I'll see how predictable my flowering stage is. So far everything has pretty much went as planned.

LoL here's hoping (for all of us!).


Well-Known Member
Right on man. Yeah, I agree in stopping the nutes.

I can't imagine how cool it will feel to smoke your own grow. How are you planning to dry and cure?

I am planning to do stop nutes about 2 weeks from harvest. I'll see how predictable my flowering stage is. So far everything has pretty much went as planned.

LoL here's hoping (for all of us!).
watching that which i plucked already, (just two small buds), its shrinking a good bit. it will be interesting to see how much comes off the first plant - when you think about it, its been through a lot.. haha on the same note- i'm wondering how much will come from the next ladies, maybe more the same- it will be interesting...
anyway... i will most likely cure the harvest as long as i can.. that would include a good drying and then i'm sure i will smoke it until it is at last cured.. maybe more than not or vise versa.. i plan on hanging it and then burping air tight containers. i will most likely try a few different methods too...

Your grow came out really good, i think its worth watching.. =]

thanks! it really has been through its changes.. i will have to post a quick timeline of this first plant when its done.. wow, it will be amazing.

all the new seedlings are doing there thing. next time i put seedlings into the veg room i will make sure to give a little distance the first two days.. they were all super thristy by the end of my day. now its the weekend and i can give them there loving care.. someday i hope to have a better seed starting home but in the mean time this is working super well. great success rate!

more of the buds are turning orange and the crystals are really starting to ocme out.

oh and for the seeds when i startedthem... i mixed up my own batch of soil, perlite, something else for water retention (maryjane effects the memory), and blood meal (for added nitrogen). i was a bit worried there might be to much N for the WW's as i here they are sensitive to nutes. but so far soo good.

i can spot the differences in my plants hairs (as they are from different bags) its interesting to see...
