Let's all av a get together!!!


Active Member
Amsterdam !!! Last time I was there I would start each day with a gram of hash crumbled up in my coffee... sip, swirl, and repeat. when the cup gets 1/2 way down refill w/ coffee. rent a bike and head out! I found that if I ventured into the coffee shops I would get stuck to a chair like a drooling fool for hours!! So when do we go?!?!


Well-Known Member
yer course we do.but it would av been cool to meet fellow smokers and growers from the best smoking site out! im not a loner if thats wat you think lol!


Well-Known Member
like i've said pm me everyone thats up for going and meeting up! bush there's 10 of u and ur m8s goin? where u at if u don't mind me askin?


Well-Known Member
Im in.. I'd love to see Amstrerdam. Maybe a lil visit to the red light district would also be in order. :)


Well-Known Member
count the Canadian wind tunnel,,,,IN

Keep on Growin


can't believe i just told the womans i'm going to Amsterdam,,and she say's,,,I hope it's in the off season for your work,,,,,YESSSsss,,ok guy's,,has to be in January February,,,but I'm goin regardless


Well-Known Member
I'd love to do it if I had the time and money. I will be starting school again in December so all my time and money will be in that. But who knows, maybe ill get some extra cash between now and then.

I know someone who used to book Amsterdam Cannabis Cup groups. He got cheap ass flights from some Arabian oil company's website that sold open seats on their charter flights. One of their stops was Amsterdam. The tickets to be Cannabis Cup judges can be bought from High Times I think. I know someone in their ad department, maybe he has some extra tickets.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I work full-time, and can't afford a vacation right now. Plus I can't leave my babies unattended for so long.

Also going back to school I think, so more money to spend, yay :)

I'd say the best thing, is to wait for cannabis cup or something, then go a week or two after it. Have the offer on the table bumped every so often, so that those of us who may go, know.