Lets cure!


Well-Known Member
Some one had messaged me to ask about drying your buds. i get lots of tight colas and sometimes dry a few oz and other times much more, as a result i went to a photo lab and bought a few of these.

i really like to keep the bud naturally moist for 8-10 days. doing this makes the weed sweet and the odor more pleasant. using moisture and odor from different stages is as easy as changing the stack. you can add new aroma to older buds or add moisture. these are my ace in the hole when it comes to curing


Well-Known Member
Im looking for something I can build. A rack thing like, ABS. Im looking at some bulk mail bins I see here at work....

Speaking if work....I found some black air hoses I can use for my bubbler...and a Triple Beam Scale with the calibration weights still with it.

I have been here 7 years and have never seen anyone use that scale before. I forgot it was up there until I took some stuff off the shelf and there it was....dusty as hell....calling my name.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I like to use window screen or noiw adays a build frames from 1 x 3 studs about 3 feet by 3 fett then staple screen on to the bottoms.You make a few they stack right up.You spread the buds out spaceingly (new word I made) loosly then put a fan that tilts under the whole thing on medium in a cool dark room for few days rotating the racks daily for about 7 days and they dry nicely.Costs about 8 bucks for roll of screen door screen at home depot and about buck 30 for each 1 x 3 stud


Active Member
When you scroll over the picture with the scroll wheel on your mouse the basket seems to grow.....Sorry just really stoned and decided to share