WAS. my iron dipped too low and I lost too much weight. I'm small to begin with and it just wasn't healthy for me. I never minded eating animals, (sorry Sunni) but we raised our own meat so it wasn't as appalling conditions as factory farming. (grammar fail, sorry)
Being vegan I felt teriffic the first year, then began to feel lethargic and sickly. I'd already had borderline iron deficiency and thought increasing leafy greens would combat that. Not so. I had to incorporated more b-12, and don't like to take supplements (prefer nutrients from foods, not pills) and YES I know you can get B vitamins in plants, however I've read tons of research arguing both sides for B vitamins only obtained through red meat and when I went back to meat I felt better.
I don't eat shit loads of meat, I still favor plants/grains b/c for my own body composition I function better on them that too much protein. But I do eat greek yogurt and other protein rich foods. I'd take a salad or raw veggies over a steak any day. Meat makes me feel bogged down. But I know it's necessary for me to maintain proper balance. Every body is different.
*So in a word NO LOL sorry for the diatribe...