Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey Farmers, i been starting my first grow, i am about three weeks into it and have been posting alot of threads out there and asking questions and learning a shit load of new info which i have to say thanks to every one that has helped me any anyone else with there first grow. I have had some problems and i think im on top of my grow now. I will start with how my grow rooms are set up, lets start with the veg room its about 1.5deepx2widex5tall, i have a tub sitting on a little table i made with the water tank under it i have two drain tubes coming out of the tub and one water intake going to a drip system i setup, the lights in use are two 2ft florecents cool white and naturalsun light, then i am using a 75wat daylight corkscrew light, and the big mother is a 600wat mh blub, i have two fans in the area with two humidifiers cool mist and warm steam, i know why two well i couldnt get the humidiy perfect with out both, i am using some nutriants i was recreminded by my local shop called Aqua Flake, and using mylar on the walls. right now lights on my temp is between 75, 80 humidity 52% lights off temp gets down to 65 humidity rises to 60%. I will have all the info on the grow room in a little while i need to take a break :weed: :bigjoint: bongsmilie if you got any questions or comments dont hold back im all ears, a day i cant learn or teach somthing is a day wasted...... i will be updating this thread often and asking all my questions for any problems i have .... thanks to every one joining me on my first grow now lets get it started with a bowl bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Looks good Hulk...looks like you and I are around the same stage in our first grow.:peace: different hodgepodge of gear though. It will be interesting to compare notes as we go. I am growing some bagseed that turnes out to be indica. What are you growin?:mrgreen:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thanks, same boat as you got them from my sak one huge nug 9 grams 5 seeds in it nice smell nice smoke i had to grow them :mrgreen: i am just not sure what they are?? ill check out your grow

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
alright not sure what to do i posted a thread about ph levels in another room and got nothing, im not sure how long it been going on or even how its happening but i know its hurrting my girls, i check my ph levels in the morning before the first feeding of water and the ph level was agian 6.6 ph grrr same as yesterday morning when lights came on,i am using ph up and down to correct the problem once i see it 5.8 i set it to, they are three weeks old so i dont know if this has been happing since day one i didnt have a good digital reader before so it lookd like the ph was fine guess not, well the big question is how is this happening whats causing it and what can i do so i dont have to ad ph up and down every morning. thanks guys and gals looking forward to read what you say.


Well-Known Member
Just a guess cause I dont do it the hydroponic way but are your Nutes causing your ph to go up. :confused: When I add my nutes to water I always check the ph before putting it into the medium. I also got nutes that were ph nutral. I an using General Hydroponics Floranova Grow.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hmm they might be not to sure, i only put nutes in twice first day 11/18/08 and last monday when i switched them to Aqua Flake switched all old water with fresh and added new nutes.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hulk. You refer to your plants as girls. How do you know at this stage if they are females? And did you only germinte only 2 of them? You said you got 5 seeds from 9 gram bud. I hope the dont turn out to be boys:-|

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nah i germed three, two cracked. saving the others just incase i dont do this grow good and to get the basics down. there my girls grrrr girls :hump: girls :hump: girls :hump: think postive yes i cant wait. how tall and wide are your plants now?


Well-Known Member
nah i germed three, two cracked. saving the others just incase i dont do this grow good and to get the basics down. there my girls grrrr girls :hump: girls :hump: girls :hump: think postive yes i cant wait. how tall and wide are your plants now?
Haha...yes girls,girls,girls:roll: My ladies are about 4inchs tall and they are in 6inch pot and burstin out:hump:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice, i will be updating with pics, i will go get some taken and messure them i noticed they are starting to smell, and it smells so sweet :weed:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
here we go (1) is born 11/14/08 and (2) is born 11/18/08, (1) is 3inchs tall and 3 inchs wide, (2) is 3.5inchs tall and 5 inchs wide, there looking alot better there still that lime green color thoe


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey have had my plants on a drip system from day one and i noticed that all my tubes are getting realy nasty, and my pump is messing up my feedings. so for now im going to switch to manual watering untell i can take apart my system and switch it out. My plants are around 4 inches tall 3 inches wide they are around 3.5 weeks old, how much water should i feed them and how often ?>? :confused: i just gave them a 1/4 of a cup of water 5.8 ph with nutes two days before that they did not get any water. I saw the leaves were drooping so i thought they might have been waterd to much so i gave them two days off and started like i said with only a 1/4 of water this morning.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmm just was thinking, when my sprouts poped i had the lights way to far away so they streched realy bad pic below, so i put them in pots, i put like a 1/2 inch of pellets then my rockwool cube then filled the pot with pellets to the top of the pot, so my rockwool cube is on the bottom and my plants are getting bigger well hahaha sort of 4 inches right now, my questions is should i transplant them to a bigger pot or a waterfarm/bubbler ??? i read somewhere that if the roots are on the bottom its not good for the plant. and since my cube is on the bottom i think that might be one reason my plants look the way they do at this time. im all ears let me have it! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wish I could help dude:-| I went with soil or (soilless mix) because it seemed a lot less equipment to buy and alot less complicated. Im not an expert but what I have read if the plant droops and slows growth if it is over watered or underwated. I dont know how could tell which with hydroponics setup. With soil I know its time to water when the soil is dry a few inches down and the pot feels light. Right now I water once every 4 or 5 days also I water till it comes out of the drain holes in the pot. No measuring required. I have read that plants like the medium to dry up periodically.