Let's Hug it out, Bitch...

Hopefully she's talking about mainliner, if she is I just gotta say.

Don't let her talk to you that way mainy! Post a whole page of nudes, she's bluffing.
Definitely not ever bluffing
The last time yessica was here we had a similar conversation

I do not bluff I give warnings to try and make it clear And give the user time to correct their problem
But I do not bluff
ever since you've been back its nothing but reported content from. Nudity or fighting with whom ever , name calling etc

It's tiresome and I can say yes some of it isn't your fault but most of it is just your blatant disregard for the rules here

You don't like following rules that fine but it's not going to end well for you
I think I answered this above.

I don't see myself as being worse than others in the rule breaking capacity?

Well, I am worse than A LOT - but def. not THE WORST.

Sorry, the naked twister didn't even really register to me as offensive. There might have been a nip I guess...

Reported? Who the shit is reporting me in my own threads? Why can't people just fuck off already.
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your attitude sucks no one deserves to just fuck off
This website is free for everyone
And if you can't just following the simple little amount of rules we have
Than go find another board that allows you to post the way you want
And come here to talk to the friends you've made

I mean it's not fucking rocket science to not post nudity
your attitude sucks no one deserves to just fuck off
This website is free for everyone
And if you can't just following the simple little amount of rules we have
Than go find another board that allows you to post the way you want
And come here to talk to the friends you've made

I mean it's not fucking rocket science to not post nudity
Why you so mad?

My "attitude sucks"?

You're being a little hurtful here. I don't understand why.
I've asked you for like what a year now to not post nudity
But ya do it anyways
What's hurt ful is that we're more than random forum people
We talk outside forum and have personal conversations
And than you slap me in the face with disrespect by not following simple rules
To clarify the "attitude sucks " comment was specifically regarding your last statement " they can just fuck off already "
To clarify the "attitude sucks " comment was specifically regarding your last statement " they can just fuck off already "
Well I just don't understand why anyone would follow around a member they don't like for the sole purpose of reporting them. Where's the fun in that?

I guess that;s my issue. I see so many members post nudes, or fight, or yell, or tell someone to fuck off. And no one else ever seems to get warnings or anything.

Why me?

I assume it's because I get reported a lot.

But these people that are reporting me, are literally following me around and reading what I write and post and then reporting me.

It's just so nuts.

It makes me super cunty. And angry.

I don't want to be fighting all the time. I like HUGS. I wish they would leave me alone.
Well I just don't understand why anyone would follow around a member they don't like for the sole purpose of reporting them. Where's the fun in that?

I guess that;s my issue. I see so many members post nudes, or fight, or yell, or tell someone to fuck off. And no one else ever seems to get warnings or anything.

Why me?

I assume it's because I get reported a lot.

But these people that are reporting me, are literally following me around and reading what I write and post and then reporting me.

It's just so nuts.

It makes me super cunty. And angry.

I don't want to be fighting all the time. I like HUGS. I wish they would leave me alone.
nah dude people get warnings all the time, in fact ive never actually given you a warning point from the website.
ive given you verbal warnings as a friend to try and get you to stop which i do to alot of other members as well
ask lets get critical, as mr sunshine,
ive even verbally warned @curious2garden and i consider her my mother.
you get reported not by people following you around i can promise you that.
nah dude people get warnings all the time, in fact ive never actually given you a warning point from the website.
ive given you verbal warnings as a friend to try and get you to stop which i do to alot of other members as well
ask lets get critical, as mr sunshine,
ive even verbally warned @curious2garden and i consider her my mother.
you get reported not by people following you around i can promise you that.
Meh - maybe I should start using the report button more when I see someone post something I don't like?

Naw - that's not me. I reported Snake a bunch when he was really really harassing me.

Actually, wait a minute.

Sure, I make fun of people and call them cock-gobblers and ass hats and whatever. But some of the people that have been fighting with me have been making fun of my mental illness and reposting pictures of me crying.

Snake Pilson posted A WALL of vagina in my thread, and then like 100 tranny pictures. And isn't he still around?

I'm honestly interested I don't mean to sound like I'm arguing here.

I just want to know the rules better.

I can get rid of the nips and tips and assholes pretty easy. I just forget sometime. I have been smoking A LOT of weed lately.

I do love you, I don't want to fight.

I know it must be annoying dealing with people reporting shit.

I would be the WORST MOD. I'd tell them to fuck off. Little bitches...

FAK - here I go again...
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reported as nonsensical
Please don't report button people in my threads.

1. ignore them

2. ignore button them

3. privately report the post you don't like to a mod, and state the thread and post number.

If I get another thread shut down because of whiny ass report buttoning twats, I'm going to freak the fuck out.

Thank you!
Please don't report button people in my threads.

1. ignore them

2. ignore button them

3. privately report the post you don't like to a mod, and state the thread and post number.

If I get another thread shut down because of whiny ass report buttoning twats, I'm going to freak the fuck out.

Thank you!
maybe its just me, i think its dope u have managed to get threads shut down. controversy = interest. i dont think ive ever posted a thread that went past 20 replies. so look at it like hey im being rebellious, trolled and reprimanded but at least im not as boring as EB
maybe its just me, i think its dope u have managed to get threads shut down. controversy = interest. i dont think ive ever posted a thread that went past 20 replies. so look at it like hey im being rebellious, trolled and reprimanded but at least im not as boring as EB
I don't like that they got shut down. That was never my intention.

I just like fun. And obviously I like rule breaking.

Not as much in real life - but, as we know - this isn't totally "real" here on the internet - is it?

Some people are. I try to be as similar to myself as possible.

But then with all the socks, trolls, and liars, it's really hard to tell.

I usually just assume the fighting is all in good fun. I like it - it makes me laugh.

But, I can see how it's annoying to other people. Maybe not enough enough to report button, but I can still see it.

I don't want any more threads locked though. Then the fun-ruiners WIN.