Let's talk tobacco


Active Member
I used to love me a nice cigar. Smoked them for years. Then one day noticed a spot on my tongue where the butt of the stogies used to sit. So I did the smart thing, I put off seeing the doc for a month. I finally had it checked out and it wasn't cancer but that was enough to scare me and I quit. I really enjoyed nicotine. It's the only drug that is both a stim and a sedative. Just what we need in this stressful world. Too bad they burn so much money and make your place stink and can kill you in the end.

Chief Widow

I've recently been reading about the growing conditions of tobacco and the curing processes of tobacco. I'm not a tobacco smoker really I occasionally smoke a cigar or a cigarette that I roll my self with better quality then most cigarettes, but I've also been reading about South American shamans smoking tobacco that makes you halluinate which caught my attention. I would like to grow some of these tobacco strains with hallucinogenic properties to them next year in the woods. I do believe growing my own won't be very harmful to my body because you avoid all the hundereds of chemicals that the government/FDA makes them spray on tobacco. It is perfectly legal everywhere to grow tobacco but I would prefer to grow it in the woods then my own property so no one wonders what else I'm growing. Do please everyone add any experiences they have with the tobacco plant and good places to buy organic seeds. Thank you.

Chief Widow


Well-Known Member
man i love the nicotine, i dont really care how i get it, gum, patches, smokes what ever. I dont really smoke anymore, I'm one of the lucky healthy 35 year olds with high blood pressure so I stay off the cigs, but man even the e cigs, their not bad.


Well-Known Member
Hallucinations from tobacco rustica. It has a lot more nicotine than cigarette/cigar tobacco and nicotine is a very strong drug in higher doses. You're basically giving yourself mild nicotine poisoning. Not something I'd want to do in the name of fun.


Well-Known Member
There is no drug like a fine cigar, nothing, and frankly i would rather smoke a por laranaga cuban reserve than a joint of tartukan.


Active Member
I f i wasnt helplessly addicted to cigs (Malboro red 100s) I would only smoke mid potent weed out of a pipe, bong, or joint. tobacco is a hell of a narcotic & i wish big tobacco companys would make there product extremely exspenciv like 20-30$ a pack B4 taxs and start selling weed at a crazy low price at about 5-10$ a pack. we would live in a much heathyer world. With all that said my opinion does not effect the rotation of this ass backwards earth and the world keeps on spinnin.


Well-Known Member
does tobacco have anything good for anything in it? could it ever be grown more or less healthy like some med weed?

Nope - it is the only recreational drug with absolutely no redeeming qualities but if one smokes only cigars the beast can be tamed. I was a 2 pack a day winston man for 25 years. I quit finally but longed for that sweet sweet tobacco feeling. i took up cigars. I never ever inhale - while it is certainly not good for you and it can be rather expensive, limiting yourself to one or two a day works pretty well. I found that smoking a cigar actually enhances my palet rather than masks it like cigarettes did.


Well-Known Member
A good cigar is a truly sublime experience.
It took me years to break te habit of inhaling them.


Well-Known Member
I personally smoke about a pack and a half a week. Whenever I start to go towards two packs I would start on the cigars. Quit and then gravitate back to the cigarettes. It's a bad habit. I would rather smoke some mild weed with a light tobacco blend than a straight up cigarette.


Well-Known Member
A good cigar is a truly sublime experience.
It took me years to break te habit of inhaling them.

I vowed from the beginning never to do that - and the cigar was not intended to be inhaled. The art is something to behold as well. I've not forgotten you Duck, I am having to work on my e-mail client.


Well-Known Member
I didn't really start smoking cigars until I was 21, at which point I'd been smoking for like 8 years and inhaled everything out of habit.
I certainly hope we're only talking about real cigars. I smoked a Philly when I was like 14 and out of cigarettes. Not an experience I plan on repeating.
I'm a patient man Canndo, it's cool. Now I want a cigar.


Well-Known Member
canndo and educk youre both insanly smart. ever known someone that synthesised LSD? like in the kitchen type of shit lol? answer this is it possible to extract the A from LSA and to get the D and add it to the LS? or does that just sound obsurd lol