Liberal mind control.


Well-Known Member
ya mean, the "genocide" in which the palestinian population keeps growing?

tell us about how they faked the holocaust
Nice glossing over of the ongoing crime against humanity that is the Israeli policy against those they stole their entire country from.

Shooting over a thousand Palestinians in the past week is all their fault because they shouldn't be protesting inhuman treatment and war crimes.

You're disgusting.


Well-Known Member
Nope. The focus on Democrats -- despite the fact that today, all damage and corruption is coming from Republicans -- has been a pattern from so-called progressives. This has been going on for some time now, beginning in mid-2016.

Personally, I think the money for Dore's show is coming from the right. There are quite a few blogs, accumulators and you-tube shows with a purported left perspective that spend all their time attacking Democrats, not right wing actions. Dore is also one of the many so-called progressives who vilify the investigation into Trump's collusion with Russia to subvert our election system.

I think a lot of money is coming from the right to fund propaganda that supposedly comes from the left. The thing is, their line of argument almost always is mirrored in Breitbart, zerohedge, FOX, Sinclair and other hard right media.
I don't spend much time bashing the Republicans only because it's clear to everyone who isn't a gun nut or fundamentalist apologist for war criminals that they're the enemy.

No, the reason I bag on establishment Democrats like you is because you're gullible enough to believe them, in the face of 40 years of confirmation of the fact that the Democrats don't give a fuck about the average American citizen either.

I'm to the Left of a dishonest and self serving 'Democratic' organization that misrepresents itself at every turn, intentionally and specifically to keep snookering the gullible, the stupid and the intellectually lazy, smogdog.

I don't expect to get through to you but there are others out there more open minded and less inclined to just sit back and 'hope for change'.
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Well-Known Member
anti-semitism is the new hotness among low paid russian troll farm workers.

same as the old hotness
Ah yes and UncleSchmuck shows his true colors again, trying the age old game of painting everyone who holds Israel accountable for its apartheid policies and war crimes as 'antisemitic'.

You're a piss poor human being and you have a lot to learn about what Judaism really stands for.

You disgust me.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, they needed to be shown how badly they have fallen.

( Supporting Israel , letting Israel rob America, arming ISIS, killing innocent syrians, arming saudi arabia.....)
Killing a million Iraqis since 1990, aiding in the mass murder of Yemenis, wrecking Libya, Afghanistan... Having uneasiness out to dry after meeting in Russian politics to create it, installing Yeltsin the drunken kleptocrat and the list goes on for FUCKING PAGES.

America the Imperial Power.

We need to get the fuck over ourselves.


Well-Known Member
Heres my take on the Israel/Palestinian. And is best taken with a grain of salt, and a huge joint of 1990s Haze x NL5 x SSSC SK x Skelly Hashplant which the feds got.

I'm neither D/R, and consider myself a member of the

WTF? Party

I cant vote. I'm a convicted marijuana felon, and my state is still in the Dark Ages.

#1....Everyone is going to have to learn to get along, and integrate. Even if Israel was given the land, its been so long, theres no way you can just uproot them from their current physical positions without a war. Period. Theyre a Nuclear Power. Good Luck.

Just like what happened here in USA when the Europeans invaded, and took, and killed everyone/everything they came across that they either didn't understand, didn't want to understand, or due to certain... "Superstitions"

Then every time USA made a treaty with the Natives, they broke the treaty. This was rampant, especially when Vast Mineral Reserves were found on the Reservations. The Natives would get their Treaty Violated, and the Powers That Be ( Europeans ) ( I'm American of European/White. But they didn't like the Irish either ) would come in and take all the minerals, and relocating the Natives to even less desirable locations, in the middle of fricking Nowhere. Some of those Reservations are STILL so far in the middle of the Universe, its no wonder alcoholism is so high. Theres friggin nothing there but beautiful country, and you cant eat that..

And Relocating/KIDNAPPING Blacks to come here and have no life??? For 200 years ???? ON average of OVER 1 MILLION a year.... for 200 YEARS were thrown overboard due to sickness, long before they ever made it to USA.

The USA has NEVER done right by the way of Helping Blacks, or Natives have a better shot at advancement in modern society. Its historical fact they were located in the worst places possible, and away from the nicest properties ect, and have lived in Squalor, and Neglect, and the 1s that have been lucky enough to escape the trap, are lucky.

BOTH USA, and ISRAEL are going to have to get over themselves, and have major overhalls on equality.

But Isreal is going to have to learn to play nice, or eventually they will ( RADICAL WING ) People will get tired of it.

#2. The Palestinians aren't all Muslim... All kinds of CHRISTIAN Palestinians. Average of 1.75% of the population are Christian, and many were displaced s refugees, or migrated in 1948 because of the Land Give Away. In 1922 almost 10% of the population were Christian, and they had 0 trouble getting along.

In the end, the officials rejected the name Palestine because they thought that would be the name of the new Arab state and could cause confusion so they opted for the most straightforward option: Israel.[7]
You should read up on what happened the Osage Indian tribe when they discovered and developed oil on their reservation.


Well-Known Member
I don't spend much time bashing the Republicans only because it's clear to everyone who isn't a gun nut or fundamentalist apologist for war criminals that they're the enemy.

No, the reason I bag on establishment Democrats like you is because you're still enough to believe, in the face of 40 years of confirmation, that the Democrats don't give a fuck about the average American citizen either.

I'm to the Left of a dishonest and self serving 'Democratic' organization that misrepresents itself at every turn, intentionally and specifically to keep snookering the gullible, the stupid and the intellectually lazy, smogdog.

I don't expect to get through to you but there are others out there more open minded and less inclined to just sit back and 'hope for change'.
Fake conspiracy theories coupled with your cynicism have rotted your mind and prevent you from thinking. There is a lot of good in the Democratic party. Too bad you listen to idiots like Jimmy Dore who purport to represent the left but only ever bash Democrats. I don't know where his funding comes from but it sure sounds like it comes from the right. The role Jimmy Dore and others play is to suppress the vote of the left by falsely blaming all bad things on Democrats. Your repetition of BS from Dore and others is just playing into the hands of the radical right.

Some good news that I got today is a state issue but still shows that it's better for the average American citizen when Democrats control the government. Oregon was targeted by Republicans in DC when they wrote the tax cut for the wealthy in December. On top of punitive measures that will cost many Oregonians more in federal taxes, the business deductions in the tax code would have been passed through to the wealthy in the form of tax breaks at the state level. Our Democratically controlled legislature blocked those tax breaks. It passed through the state house and senate in completely partisan fashion. Yesterday, amid a hew and cry by Republicans, our Governor who is a Democrat announced she would sign the measure. It prevents $200 million in tax cuts that would have gone only to those making $400k or more. Republicans universally condemned the bill, falsely calling it a tax increase.

This country is better off when Democrats are in control. Your fake conspiracy-based rants work against that. So fuck your fake conspiracy theories and idiotic rants against Democrats.

Also, Bernie screwed the pooch on Wednesday. His campaign is dead. DED-dead.


Well-Known Member
Fake conspiracy theories coupled with your cynicism have rotted your mind and prevent you from thinking. There is a lot of good in the Democratic party. Too bad you listen to idiots like Jimmy Dore who purport to represent the left but only ever bash Democrats. I don't know where his funding comes from but it sure sounds like it comes from the right. The role Jimmy Dore and others play is to suppress the vote of the left by falsely blaming all bad things on Democrats. Your repetition of BS from Dore and others is just playing into the hands of the radical right.

Some good news that I got today is a state issue but still shows that it's better for the average American citizen when Democrats control the government. Oregon was targeted by Republicans in DC when they wrote the tax cut for the wealthy in December. On top of punitive measures that will cost many Oregonians more in federal taxes, the business deductions in the tax code would have been passed through to the wealthy in the form of tax breaks at the state level. Our Democratically controlled legislature blocked those tax breaks. It passed through the state house and senate in completely partisan fashion. Yesterday, amid a hew and cry by Republicans, our Governor who is a Democrat announced she would sign the measure. It prevents $200 million in tax cuts that would have gone only to those making $400k or more. Republicans universally condemned the bill, falsely calling it a tax increase.

This country is better off when Democrats are in control. Your fake conspiracy-based rants work against that. So fuck your fake conspiracy theories and idiotic rants against Democrats.

Also, Bernie screwed the pooch on Wednesday. His campaign is dead. DED-dead.
Democrats have presided over the greatest UPWARD redistribution of wealth in human history.

Believe what you want. I don't expect you to listen to reason; you spend too much time washing buckyballs.


Well-Known Member

To be fair, both Ds/Rs are Both Fucked.

BUT, in my honest opinion, the Ds are far more People Friendly ( LESS FUCKED ) that the Rs are, by a Longshot.
Rs are the 1s that escalated the War On Drugs, ( Nixon 1st, Then Rayguns ) and have gotten us into all these recent wars, BUSH #1... Bush#2... that are unpaid for, wrecking the economy, and peoples lives,

When Clinton left office we had a Surplus, and in 8 years the world, our surplus and economy went to shit, and were still paying for it, in many ways.

Clinton got impeached for lying about a BJ?? And tRump gets a PASS on EVERYTHING???? Literally Everything.

Verifiable Les almost Everyday??? WTF, and Y'all could give 1 Rats Ass, but were screaming for BCs Head, and Obama is a Muslim with Hidden Agenda to crete Sharia Law, and other Tin Foil Hat, WTF Shit. And its defended??? ANd Paul Ryan, McConnel have 0000 Nuts to say a Word. As in 0000.

People on the RIGHT are HYPOCRITES. Plain, and SIMPLE. Ive NEVER seen this crap out of the left. EVER.
The Main Reason for that IS??

The Friggin Right Would Never Stand For This.
Imgine all of the Hearings we would have if Obama owned all these business, and all of these unexplained Russian Contacts ect???

Theyd have his ass LYNCHED, and those that come here and senselessly defend tRump...

And Trey Gowdy, Whom I despise, spent $60,000,000 trying to get Hilly, and when she was on TV for 12 Hours Being GRilled, she made ALL of them look like Idiots.

NOW that Gowdy is Investigating This Administration on some things, and is not seeking Reelection, he is Now Getting Shit from the RT.

I'm mean real. Clinton got impeached for lying about a a BJ??? Lost his Law License.... And tRumps family Members have LIED How Many Times On Security Forms, and Get a Pass??? Sessions has LIED, Kelly Lied, Everyone of them has LIED. Its just been revealed tRump Jr revealed CLASSIFIED INFO, THAT HE WASNT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVY TOO, TO THE SAUDIs. WTF is that?? It IS being Investigated, but come on.

People voted for tRump knowing he will grab a womans crotch, that he doesn't even know???

And again, BC gets canned for lying about a Consensual BJ??

In the Eighteenth Century, the western world shifted from mercantilism to capitalism. Mercantilism was an economic system that gave governments wide-ranging regulatory powers over commerce, mostly to ensure a positive balance of trade. It also allowed for strong guild structures and protection for domestic industries. But the Industrial Revolution ended mercantilism and brought to power a business class that wanted to be free to operate without government oversight.

In the generations that followed, as this capitalist worldview evolved, the business class made a fetish out of the “free market” and viewed government as, at best, a necessary evil. Any sort of regulation was seen as the equivalent of slavery, and the proper role of officialdom was reduced to maintaining internal order (police), defending the realm (military) and enforcing contracts (the courts).

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Well-Known Member
o be fair, both Ds/Rs are Both Fucked.

BUT, in my honest opinion, the Ds are far more People Friendly that the Modern Rs are, by a Longshot.

In the Eighteenth Century, the western world shifted from mercantilism to capitalism. Mercantilism was an economic system that gave governments wide-ranging regulatory powers over commerce, mostly to ensure a positive balance of trade. It also allowed for strong guild structures and protection for domestic industries. But the Industrial Revolution ended mercantilism and brought to power a business class that wanted to be free to operate without government oversight.

In the generations that followed, as this capitalist worldview evolved, the business class made a fetish out of the “free market” and viewed government as, at best, a necessary evil. Any sort of regulation was seen as the equivalent of slavery, and the proper role of officialdom was reduced to maintaining internal order (police), defending the realm (military) and enforcing contracts (the courts).

In Europe, the rationalizations for capitalism remained primarily secular, looking to the maximization of efficiency for the sake of profit. In the United States, however, where little happens that one side or the other does not ascribe to an overseeing God, secular rationalizations were soon complemented with the notion of divine will. God wanted unregulated economic freedom and minimalist government to prevail.Any government involvement in social welfare was disapproved of because it allegedly promoted laziness among the poor, but this was just a convenient myth. The real reason for keeping government activity to an absolute minimum was the rising business class’ fear and loathing of taxes.

This religious view continues to exist. Today’s struggle to return us to minimalist government and maximum economic “freedom” is led by a collection of fundamentalist Christian right-wingers and Tea Party mad-hatters. Journalist Chris Hedges lays out a worst-case scenario of the drive for power by the Christian Right in his recent article, “The Radical Christian Right and the War on the Government.

He tells us that “the public face” of this political force is “on display in the House of Representatives” and its main ideological aim is to “shut down the government.” Hedges also points to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, as the archetypal fundamentalist politician leading the charge against big government. Hedges thinks this is just the first step toward the real goal of men like Cruz, which is to make the U.S. a Christian fundamentalist nation.

The Ensuing Struggle

In the struggle that has ensued, the radical conservatives’ enemy is the Democratic (or “big government”) Party in general and President Barack Obama in particular.

As an indication of just how isolating and distorting ideology can be, focus groups of conservative Republicans have revealed a deeply held conspiracy theory. According to researchers who conducted this study, “What drives the Republican base . . . [is] a genuine belief that Obama has a secret agenda to drive the country in a socialist direction.” They also believe that he is the head of a cabal, that he seems to be a politician who “came from nowhere,” and that he is “propelled by some secret forces.”

The focus groups revealed this belief to be held by “two out of every three self identified Republicans.”

In the 2010 election, a high conservative turnout gave the Republican Party control of the House of Representatives and – at state levels – the power to aggressively gerrymander congressional districts that enabled Republicans to retain control of the House in 2012 despite losing the national popular vote by about 1½ million ballots.

The 2010 election also infused the House Republican caucus with many radical right-wing conservatives whose districts often were made politically safer by redistricting in 2012. These radical politicians and many of their constituents shunned the sort of compromise that is, or should be, at the heart of democracy.

For the radicals, principle was more important than compromise. That attitude led to the recent political confrontation with its shutdown of the federal government and the near default on the public debt.

Within days of the shutdown, moderate Republicans began deserting the radical conservatives and expressed their willingness to end demands for such things as the defunding of federally subsidized health care, popularly known as “Obamacare,” the elimination of the government deficit, and a radical reduction in government programs and regulatory power.

Victory Denied.
Once begun, the movement advanced with a rush. Many evangelicals and fundamentalists were disillusioned when, as they saw it, Carter left his personal evangelical convictions in the Sunday-school classes he taught without letting them influence the policies of his administration. In 1977, Anita Bryant drew nationwide support for her successful campaign to repeal a gay-rights ordinance in Dade County, Florida. When the IRS threatened to strip Bob Jones University in South Carolina of its tax exemption because of its policy of racial segregation, mass protests came from several directions. Some of that support rallied for the principle of segregation, but more was generated to protest overweening government power. In the congressional elections of 1978, evangelical activists joined or mounted movements in several states to defeat liberal candidates and elect conservatives. During 1979, in very rapid order, Beverly LaHaye established the Concerned Women for America as a counterforce to what she saw as aberrant feminism, Robert Grant founded “Christian Voice” to accelerate evangelical and Republican cooperation, Randall Terry (inspired by another book and movie from Francis Schaeffer that raised the possibility of civil disobedience to defend the unborn) began militantly pro-life rescue activity, and Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority.

Also in that momentous year, doctrinal conservatives in the Southern Baptist Convention showed what mobilization could mean for a religious body when they ran a get-out-the-vote campaign that resulted in the election of a Memphis minister, Adrian Rogers, as president of America’s largest Protestant denomination. This was the first step in a decade of internal politicking that secured the denomination for conservative theological principles and pushed it toward conservative political action.

Symbolic events in 1980 testified to a political movement that was up and running. In April, Pat Robertson organized a “Washington for Jesus Rally.” The crowd that showed up fell short of the grandiose goals Robertson had announced on his television network, but it was still an impressive number. In August, at the Religious Roundtable’s National Affairs Briefing, the candidate Ronald Reagan proclaimed to rapturous applause that “I know you can’t endorse me. But I want you to know that I endorse you and what you are doing.”

Finally, as has been well-documented elsewhere, the years following evangelical disillusionment with Jimmy Carter witnessed a burst of cooperation between politically energized evangelicals and professional pols of the GOP’s Goldwater wing (including Paul Weyrich, Richard Viguerie, and Howard Phillips). The result was a number of right-wing organizations with full evangelical support, including the National Conservative Political Action Committee, the Heritage Foundation, and the Committee for the Survival of a Free Congress. Such organizations gained the trust of white evangelicals and fundamentalists who saw them as vehicles for defending traditional morality. The novelties represented by this cooperation were national political organization and a close working relationship with the Republican Party.

The critical development in the mid-1970s was mobilization, and on a national scale. As that mobilization took place, it transformed well-established traditions of evangelical and fundamentalist religion into a political instrument. As religion, its primary elements were individual redemption as the overriding spiritual concern, family nurture as the critical means for preserving the faith, sexual immorality perceived as a particularly potent enemy of the family, biblical interpretation stressing the perennial clash between good and evil, and opposition to communism considered as the most dangerous world threat to Christianity. Over the course of the twentieth century, many developments in American society had given evangelicals multiple reasons for hastening to the barricades. Yet these evangelical convictions had existed for many generations—and America’s alleged rush to self-destruction had been going on for a long time-without the kind of political mobilization that took place in the mid-1970s.


I want to be effectively represented, not lied to and glad handed.