Licking things

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
So whats the weirdest most interesting you have ever licked on hallucinogens?

Like I'm pretty sure everyone that's ever eaten mushrooms or L has wondered what something tastes like and licked it :lol:

I've licked some concrete walls before because I wondered what it tasted like.. tastes like industry... I was in the shower on 4 squares, and I licked the [clean] shower wall.. made an awesome squeaky noise and I just tasted the water running on it.. odd feeling

also popsicles with Lucy are amazing. Pretty much everything tastes great frying though i think

i'm sure there are some interesting stories out there I'll think of more.

yes. i'm high.


Well-Known Member
i really like to always have me sum fresh strawberries when im trippin on sum lucy. its so hard to explain how good they are on that substance. u just have to try it. and last time i tripped, i drank sum Simply Orange Strawberry Lemonade. just amazing too.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
i really like to always have me sum fresh strawberries when im trippin on sum lucy. its so hard to explain how good they are on that substance. u just have to try it. and last time i tripped, i drank sum Simply Orange Strawberry Lemonade. just amazing too.
They say you are what you eat. So... does that mean you're a.....? =D =D =D

Gotta admit. Pretty funny. :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Oh man lemonade is good too

I'm seriously buying like 500 of these just to have for frying. They are GREAT. It's like the flavor glows in your mouth. Like, I can't even explain.

Like your tripping, and it tastes like electricity and blue.



Well-Known Member
you remeber those dr pepper commercials, dr pepper makes the world taste better, I once tested that theory, by pouring dr pepper on things and tasting them, mushrooms may have been involved, also I was probably like 14... ah to be innocent


Well-Known Member
i like dumb dumbs but i just started eating candy like two years ago, never been big on sweets, no cake or ice cream no chocolate no gum nothing.. i do like pie though ;) of the pootang varaity... and apple


The mushrooms told me to. i managed to blow up a plastic lighter by chewing it once to i learned not to put my fingers in my mouth while on mushrooms that night lol