light buds with lots of hairs how can i chang that?

hey looking for some help regarding my last couple of grows, Ive had a decent start but the buds i get are very light not much weight on them what they do have is lots of hairs, and potency is average to good ad best, im growing in soil with 600wht vegin for about 4-5 weeks and using floranova bloom as base nutrient for about 4-5 weeks then MOAB (mother of all bloom) for the final 3 weeks after that i flush and wait 2 weeks depending on the trichomes to harvest.

What can i do to get some weight and flavor on those buds?

Thanks for the help


Active Member
veg longer or maybe harvest a little early and see if it tastes different. mycorrhizae doesnt seem to hurt the taste and for weight its a good option. foxfarm granules with mycorrhizae -happy frog are cheaper than big bloom or tiger bloom too


Well-Known Member
Skimpy bud production is likely a factor of your light. 600W is fine for flowering if the plants are not too far from the light.
Remember that moving your plant twice as far from the light cuts down by 75% the amount of necessary light energy to
the plant. If you aren't sure how close to the light you should place the ladies place your hand on the plant part closest to
the light. If you can feel the warmth uncomfortably you are too close.

Use the hand test and jack them up under the light.


Well-Known Member
Skimpy bud production is likely a factor of your light. 600W is fine for flowering if the plants are not too far from the light.
Remember that moving your plant twice as far from the light cuts down by 75% the amount of necessary light energy to
the plant. If you aren't sure how close to the light you should place the ladies place your hand on the plant part closest to
the light. If you can feel the warmth uncomfortably you are too close.

Use the hand test and jack them up under the light.
Agreed, bud density really comes down to light and strain. Indicas tend to be a little more dense, but strong light penetration will really thicken them up. I use a 600w as well which does the trick. You want the light 18" from the canopy at most.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
should have no problem getting dense buds with a 600watt.

how long are you flowering total?
growing indica or sativa?

with no taste my guess is harvesting early or the strain.

here is a ref. for light distance from the plants.



Well-Known Member
Sounds to me that you're harvesting too early, according to you you flowered for abt 7 weeks, most idicas take at least 8 to 9 weeks and that's only with excelent conditions, sativas will take at least 10 to 12 weeks. if there are still a lot of white pistles that tells me your plants are not fully developed. patients is the key. dry and cure is also important.
the plant is about 11 inches from the glass of the air cooled hood i say about 15 inches form the actual bulb , I'm going to try harvesting longer before the flush and lower the hood a couple of inches see how it works

thanks for the info