light coloured between veins


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have 20 day old buku under a 250W cfl in a wilma 4 system. They're potted in 60/40 clay/coco mix, had them on 1/2 strength up to last week and full from yesterday canna vega a&b the rez ph sits at 5.8 checked daily, room temp @ 21C.

They look healthy and are growing ok but have started going lighter green between the veins. Any help would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Could be early N deficiency, although the feeding schedule seems to make that unlikely. How often are they being fed/watered? The medium looks extremely dry to me...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! They get fed from the rez twice a day switch the pump on for 20-30 mins and water with ph'd to 5.8 once a day about a litre each

They're tall pots and are wet at the drainage holes... Seems to dry out on top quite often but an inch or 2 down stays damp!


Well-Known Member
It's a borderline case at the moment. I would guess it could be a couple of things; maybe your roots might be a little underdeveloped at the moment, meaning they aren't taking in enough food from what you're giving them. Or you could be getting some dry spots in your medium (depends on how you are watering...drip feeders strike me as risking dry spot, since they tend to apply water only to one spot).

Could be a few other things too, but my suggestion would be to investigate exactly how wet your pots get, and how even, and see what you find. If there's nothing going wrong there, then maybe just give them a day and see if they settle down. Could just be a little stress from the increase in which case they should very quickly recover. How it progress in the next couple of days are key..

Edit: I should add that it is also very possible you've upped the dose too early. Breed dependent, but some react badly to full strength nutes before they have grown more than 2-4 nodes.


Well-Known Member
As far as I've noticed the medium is quite evenly damp as I checked because of the top drying out, the edges are dryer tho! As for the roots I cant really say, the pattern started to develop before I upped the nutes so I don't think it'd be stress caused by that, that was actually one of the reasons I had upped them incase it was an N deficiency!