light cycle question


Well-Known Member
My plants are 3 weeks old now and i've had them on a 24-hr cycle. i'm going to veg them for 2 more weeks and then i'm going to start the flowering stage. I was thinking about switching them to a 18/6 schedule for the two weeks and then a 12/12. Is this ok? will switching them to 18/6 cause them to start flowering? how about gradually taking an hour off each day till it's at 12/12? i'm very worried about stressing my plants out now bcuz i dont want them to turn into hermies. any advice or feedback is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
18/6 wont flower them no worries there but reducing the light an hour a few days is probably unneeded too just put them from 24/0 or 18/0 to 12/12 and keep an eye on em. ive done so many damn seeds and never seen a hermie EVER even with the most screwed up cycles(my power is constantly out) so i wouldnt worry


Well-Known Member
alright cool. this is my first indoor grow. my plants r growing twice as fast but the good thing about outdoors is that mother nature takes care of everything and u don't have to worry about it.


Well-Known Member
yeah cool just keep an eye on em i had a male flower appear in a 12 hour period so it can happen fast but make sure you can tell the difference look at lots of pics and you should be alright. good luck also blue light, nitrogen high fert, low temp, moderate humidity all appear to increase females.


Active Member
HEYA PINBALL00 Thinkin he may have figured out the problem by now. Resurecting old threads with your first post? AWESOME and welcome to rui!!