light "direction" for my female?


Active Member
right now i have 2 2700k bulbs and one 6k in a group of three above the plant

one 2700 hanging below the canopy

one 2700 hanging way low to get bottom leaves

should i have the majority of my lights on "top" of the plant, or should i spread them out from top to bottom?



Well-Known Member
right now i have 2 2700k bulbs and one 6k in a group of three above the plant

one 2700 hanging below the canopy

one 2700 hanging way low to get bottom leaves

should i have the majority of my lights on "top" of the plant, or should i spread them out from top to bottom?

spread them all over the plance. cfl dont have good light penetration to the bottom leaves so if u spread them they will be golden. so spread from top to bottom


bud bootlegger
yeah.. i would just keep it like you have it ... i like the idea of using different spectrums of light as well.. i just put one bloom bulb along with three veg bulbs in my t5 set-up as well... let the plant tell you what it wants and likes.. if it doesn't seem to be happy, ie growing and healthy the way that you have your bulbs, then i would try another placement for the bulbs.. you can take all of the suggestions that you want, but at the end of the day you should let the plant be your guide and listen to what it tells you..
best of luck
o yah.. there are plenty of threads on here just for people who grow with cfl's only.. do a search and i am sure the people on these threads would be more than happy to help you out and with any farther questions that may arise later in your grow.

Illegal Smile

Spread yes but concentrate on the top because that's where the majority of bud production will come from.