Light interuption


here's my deal i have two bubbleponics, set up under a 250 MH 20/4 light cycle but the last two mornings:? a side light i have runing for some starters, has been on during my dark period.
My ? is will how will that effect my my plants.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
light effects happen after 3 days in a row--- you are ok because you are in vegging mode and basically went from a long day of 24 hours and 4 hours of it were dimmer then the rest. I read that after 18 hours you are not getting that much more grow as she does use the dark to grow and stop burning Nitrogen and use up some Potassium and Potash or K


thanks cali chornic :-) i just worried that it would effect my sexing of the plants because i heard it might lead to hermiz.but since i in veg. i guess i'm ok.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
thanks cali chornic :-) i just worried that it would effect my sexing of the plants because i heard it might lead to hermiz.but since i in veg. i guess i'm ok.
No problem nothing worse then wondering about different scenarios, I assumed they were clones. If they are seedlings then you might be running the lights to long. meaning that length as well as color and heat all play a part in the determining sex like higher Nitrogen is better for creating Females. As well as no longer then 14 hour days keeping her on the cool and humid side etc...Good luck and if you like the info add to whom-ever's reputation at the top of the boxed thread.
Source Medical Growers Bible by JCervantes


rite on chronic good information,yes there seedlings and i just changed my light cycle to 18/6,and one of my plants just showed signs of sex it had a lobster claw looking thing that had a little ball in the middle of it. i didnt pull it i just top it to see if its a true male. here's some pics that i took the first one is of the male i top.the second pic is before i top it cant really see the male sign though,the rest is of my homemade 250 mh and my grow.. thanks for all the help..:clap:

