light question


Well-Known Member
when needing lights in a different spectrum would a red bulb just covered in something to turn the light red actually be producing different light compared to a clear one


Well-Known Member
if u want a warmer colour light u will need to by the light at the rite kelvins , u cant immatate it by like painting it red if u get my drift


Well-Known Member
Correct spectrum bulbs are not literally blue and red.;-) You need the correct Kelvin, (6500 and 2700), and changing the visual color, doesn't change the actual color spectrum.


Well-Known Member
well ive been looking at some led grow lights that are red and blue ... im not sure what kelvin it is would these do anything


Well-Known Member
LED's=waste of cash, unless your really, really, really tight on space.
there also all but useless for flowering.
get cfl's to start... or a small (as in 250w) HID fixture to get you started.
id reccomend ceramic metal halide


Well-Known Member
I am a little pressed for space also I intend on growing 3-4 lowryder2 plants I was thinking maybe the led system which has 225 lights on it and 2-3 cfls to start all cfls are 2700k so even if the leds would mostly help in veg its good