light schedules at end of flowering


Active Member
A grow video I saw said that toward the end of the flowering cycle you should extend the light hours to fourteen hours. It said that your yeild would be increased without any danger of reverting the plants back to veg. Also, in the faq section of this site I found a thread that suggested bumping daylight hours up dramatically in the last two weeks of flowering. I think it was like 20 or 21 hours of light, followed by 12 hours of dark to create days that totaled over 30 hours. It said that this could increase your yield by 40 percent, but would extend the flowering time by a few days. Many other grow guides that I have read suggest turning the lights off altogether for the last week or so, to encourage the plant to turn sugars in the leaves into thc.

So my question is, what the hell should I do. What works the best? I want good yield and strong weed. What do you guys think is best? The 20 something hours of daylight kinda worries me. The fourteen hours seems like a good idea. Does turning the lights off in the last week increase potency while decreasing yield? What do you guys suggest. I always used to grow outside so this whole indoor light schedule is new to me.


Well-Known Member
I stick to the regular 12/12 cycle all the way through flowering, never tried anything else.


Well-Known Member
I have always heard of shortening the light period, not extending it....i'm interested /subscribed


Active Member

this is the link to the faq page that suggested the 21 hours of light at the end of the flowering period. i just read it over, and my mistake: it didn't claim a 40% increase in yield. i think its saying that it will increase the length of the photo period by 40%, while giving the plants 80% more light energy. so if you use this light schedule for the last two weeks of bloom you increase those 14 days to about 19 and a half but increase the total light energy available by 80%. I'm probably not being too clear on this, i suck at explaining shit, but its in the faq.

the grow video that i mentioned was made by thc labs in canada, but im not sure how to find it. i got it on limewire but don't have it saved on my computer anymore and i don't know what keywords i used to find it. it said to bump the light up to 14 hours a day when flowering was in full swing (maybe after a month or so?) and i think it also said to shut off the lights completely for the last week

a lot of the grow guides that i have read suggested shutting the lights off at the end of flowering.

i don't think the fourteen hours of light a day would hurt anything, ive read at least one grow guide that said you could do this throughout the flowering period and it would give you a bigger yield, but also increase the total flowering time

i am kind of tempted to try the 21 hour thing, but i would like to hear some opinions first from growers that are more experienced than i am