Light Source


Active Member
Hey, this is basically an opinion question. Like I stated before in another post, I don't have to much money and don't plan on growing a lot of plants. However, right now I do have more then three and I’m using a 75V CLF. So, the question is what's the recommended number of plants that I should have under one light until? Also, will there be a great effect with my plants growth by doing this?


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=+2][SIZE=+1]Fluorescent Lighting [/SIZE][/SIZE] This type of light is perfect for starts and seedlings. They are also popular for growing low-light plants like herbs and African violets. Fluorescent lights are low intensity and need to be placed within 8" (up to 15" for shade loving plants) of the plants to be effective. They are a poor light source for flowering and budding primarily because of their low lumen output.
[SIZE=+2][SIZE=+1][/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Incandescent Lighting [/SIZE][/SIZE]​
These lights are also good for starts and seedlings and provide an inexpensive alternative to HID lights, because they do not require a ballast. These lights are only good for individual plants or small groups of plants because of their low lumen output and limited range.​