light timer malfunctioned, do i need to worry???


Active Member
:-?:confused:2 mornings ago my light timer malfunctioned and the lights didn't come on when they were supposed to. i realized it 3 1/2 hours later, got the lights on and immediately went and got a new timer. that night i let them "stay up" an hour later but then it was right back to their original schedule. the plants are 4 and 5 weeks old, so my question is whether or not i have to worry that flowering was triggered by one 3 1/2 hour longer night? or are they pretty safe since it only happened one night before returning to normal? can anyone help me out with this please??


Active Member
umm, if they lose 3.5 hours its ok, but dont change there schedule. just let them lose the 3.5 that day and dont try to make up for it. what kind of timer? some are only rated for 600w, buy one for outside as they are more rugged and tend to last longer do to the heat.


Active Member
thanks for the feedback, my babies are 4 and 5 weeks from seedling and i am on high alert for any signs that the extra long night released that flowering hormone. they are so young i don't even know if flowering could start yet. i didn't think that one long night would make a difference, but this is my first time so i get a little nervous. got the magnifying glass right next to them (not even sure i would recognize a problem if i saw it =0) but so far so good. this site has made me feel a lot more confident that i can do this. without this info available to me whenever i need it i would be sooooo lost!:)


Active Member
weeds very hardy. one night not gonna mess the little gurls up. depends on space and height, but i top mine when there about 12 inches tall and the 5 tip leaves pop out. Then i clone that little bitch. but ive been growing for 14 years and you just can tell then. 1st time around take it slow and flip them when there about 16 inches tall and have at least 5 tip leaves coming out.
cause when your done they will have at least doubled in height, improtant to feed them lots when you change to flowering cause thats when they grow the most, kinda like puberty. smokem if ya gotem and i have a few.:twisted: