Lighting For Seedling


Active Member
Hello everyone, just wanted to know if anyone had any experiences using a MH from seedling using a hydroponic setup (waterfarm)? I have a 250W MH at approximately 2 feet from the lamp to seedling, would this be too much for the seedling? I also have some CFL that I could use. I place my hand below the 250W MH and there is no heat at where the seedling is so I figure it wouldn't hurt to start her off with her vegging light form the get go. If anyone has any input please do share. Thanks for your time everyone.


Active Member
if it doesnt burn your hand if will be fine
Cool.:) Yeah I also have a 6 inch fan blowing across between the light and the WF so any heat that would be given out is dispersed with the air flow. Even at this early stage of development it needs all the lumens it can get hu?