lighting ?!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!??????


Active Member
ok i have had some great help by some of you guys out there but am still a little confused on stuff. need sombody to put a real clear post out for me, ok small room closet mylar 4 reflectors just to give a sence of the grow room. yes i have to closets one for veg and flower

now for the lights. and rember no HID to much $ for me so
fluorescent is wat am gona go with NOW wat kind and
i have heard people suggest
CFL's and i think its a good deal and my paps has some reflectors lamps much like the ones seen use n HID lamps that will house cfls but the long tube fluorecents are fine too i just need to no the best
3000k cfls t12s just to give you a note on some of the sug people have given me but nobody realy has pointed out wat i need just saying wat they are and the hole warm spect and cool wights is kinda confusing me plz sombody tell me with there no how wat they would use and am asking people that have grown alot and have the no how and i dont realy want sugestions i want some answere so tell me dont sugest plz
so tell me wat i need in detail am no light expert just smoke n expert !!!

plz help thankyou!!!!!:confused:


Well-Known Member
Ok well I'm no expert by any means but I think 5 or 6 45w lights would be pretty good, you'd have to be specific on the size of your small room. If it's a closet you might need more than that. You can invest in 105w bulbs if you want to maximize your lights.

Here's some links for you:

Light Bulbs, Rope Lights, Halogen & Fluorescent Light Bulbs

You want to look at the lumens produced by any particular bulb. Ideally you want to post the most lumens possible for what you want to spend. So do some number crunching and buy what you can. It's really going to depend on your budget. There's also a chart floating around that gives the proper amount of lumens you need for a successful grow depending on the size of your space. Look in the GrowFAQ maybe?

Definitely go with CFLs over tubing though.

Also I think full spectrum lights are the way to go. Or you can buy a combination of warm and cool to balance out the color spectrum. Again depends on which method is more cost effective for you.

P.S. - I SUGGEST you spend the left over money on going back and getting your GED for that horrible grammar! :)


Active Member
its about 6 feet long 2 1/2 wide both the same size for veg room and flower i want as much light as i can sqeezz out i say cfls becouse my dads a light and sound eng and has alot of lights at work and i dotn have to pay for them
but thanks thats a big step forward
so 6 feet long 2 1/2 wide


Well-Known Member
you dont need money for an education unless you want to get a job for the corporate monsters. the FAQ section will teach you how to grow for clothes, food, shelter, and oxygen. cause cannibis makes all those things including a bio degradable plastic! ask henry ford. any way if your dad has lights then you want to utilize what you do have and spend the money on what you dont. blue (cool) spec is best for veg and yellow(warm) for flower. some people stick with one or the other some mix and match. you want to try to get atleast 40watts per square foot, you can do a little math to find out what the lumen per watt ratio is on your lights and that will give you an idea where you stand, bassically more lumens the better. your cfls dont get that hot soo you can put them super close to the plants without burning or bleaching. if you do have some extra money left ove though you will want to get a HID HPS for flower atleast 400watts. i have had great success on craigslist in the bay. it will be worth it! so advice and a suggestion, hope that helps.


Active Member
ya am pretty shure i just did all the math useing the chart they have in growfaq and am gona go with warm 45watts x6 and ever 2 put a cool and am look into just making a big box out of cardboard for a grow room to keep my mothers thanks for the help and ya later on in my grow years i do plan to get a HID