LIGHTS ON TRACKS! Someone please help!!!


Well-Known Member
How long can plants go without light, when the lights are on tracks. There are two types of tracks, ones that take ten minutes for the light to travel 6 feet in one direction, then 10 mins to travel back the 6 feet to the other end. This is supposed to take the place of two lights, BUT, is ten minutes too long for the plants on the ends to be without light:

here is a simple visual aid:

track - ===========================

So it takes ten minutes to go from one end to the other, ->, then ten more minutes to come back. So, is that too long for the plants on the end? Will they not grow to their fullest potential? The thing is, there are tracks that only take 4 minutes for each direction, and they stop at the end for 30 seconds, I know that would be better, but is the ten minutes ok. It actually means for a total of about 15 minutes they would not have the light over them... Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
its really does work better than yould think. 10 mins is no big deal at all. and you get the added bonus of having the sides of the plants that would normally be in the shade all the time from the fan leaves getting light now. it moves the shade so alot more of the plant gets some light.


Well-Known Member
Think about clouds blocking the sun occasionally. Plants don't give a shit, just as long as they get some light.


Well-Known Member
i have use light movers
i had a smart moter it would give the ends proper light.
if you are worried about it ,if you can rotate your plants