Lights, Spectrums, And Vegging

I just started my first grow about a week and a half ago. i have 2 40W Cool white Fluorescents that each produce 2,300 lumens, and i was told that these are better for vegging because of their bluish undertone.

I also have 2 warm white 20w Cfls that produce about 1,300 lumens a piece that i've been shining on my master kush plant (which has just entered vegetative growth. ) and i was wondering if it would be better to leave just the 40w Cool white on or to combine the 2 40w fluorescents with the 2 20w cfls

Bear with me i just started ha, any help you can offer will be appreciated.
hey man, good to hear your setup is up and running. I run 2 (105w) daylight spectrum bulbs, with 4 (47w) 2700k spectrum bulbs as supplemental lighting. I run these for veg and flower, all together it's about 400w of light with an even spectrum. I have heard that running more red than blue in the flower stage stimulates growth better, but I have yet to experiment. Even spectrum works fine for me! I like to mix my spectrums as I feel it better simulates nature. It's extra light anyways, and light is good.. y'know? :)

Thats all fine and dandy but i'm on an extremely... extremely limited budget. so i have to work with what i've got haah

I'm just wondering if it would be better and faster (grow time wise) for my plant if I run the cooler spectrum fluorescent for veg alone? or combine with the 2 warmer CFLS?

If you can suggest any good investments to make with my meager funds (50 dollars a month in spare cash after bills, groceries, savings and the like).

I'm just trying this on for now with a limited budget, if it works out well i might in all possibility set some more money aside to invest in a high quality set up
well, adding more light would stimulate better growth in the plant, better growth=better yield. so it would grow better, perhaps a bit faster...not sure.


Well-Known Member
For vegging I run two 55w 6500k bulbs and one 55w 3000k bulb. I like the mixed spectrum for vegging.