

Well-Known Member
during 12/12 - if you have 4 different grow tents with one 600w in each, would it be wise to have 2 tents on at a time or all 4? i know electric companies can see the use of 12 hours of extensive power. so by having 2 tents on a time i wouldnt have that 12 hour extra use they can see. whats the best way of doing this while still being under radar.


Well-Known Member
If the tents are completely light proof then there shouldn't be a problem running 2 at a time, switching between the two. Or you could just run them all during the day time and leave off and unplug all the electronics in your house besides your fridge. Then you can easily explain the electric consumption: a computer or two on during the day, old inefficient fridge, leaving your lights on during the day, you leave the air conditioner on all day.


Well-Known Member
2400w isn't that huge of a power consumption - I wouldn't worry about the electric company noticing or caring and rather go with whatever works for you. Run all 4 at night if it is too hot during the day or to save on power by using during off peak hours, or run all 4 during the day so you can check on them at the same time, or do half and half so you can run your washing machine anytime during the day without flipping a breaker...

As long as you pay the electric company they straight don't care, and again that isn't all that much power usage. My AC unit by itself pulls 2,600w and that isn't for a grow, just to cool my house. Space heaters pull ~1200w. Power company doesn't blink an eye if you run a space heater or two along with your big screen TV...