Limp leaves :(


Active Member
No idea what strain the plant is; growing indoors in soil (just miracle-gro organic), watering with plain water every 4 days (about 1-1/2c of water) and occasionally water with miracle-gro plant food every few weeks in it. We just put the plant into flowering after 4-5 months, and it doesn't look to have a big problem besides the leaves being very, well, limp. They're not really curling in at the corners or dead-looking and they're mostly a nice dark, healthy green and they feel strong, except for one yellow leaf buried towards the bottom. We've tried watering them less and more, both to no avail. It's in a growbox that stays consistently between 75-85 degrees and 23-26% humidity at any time - we also have something like 5 grow lights and two fans keeping circulation. We haven't done any ph balancing or anything and I would rather not have to spend a thousand dollars on special chemicals (too big of an investment for one plant, broke college students, etc), but if it has to be done, well...

^whole plant ^tip ^ middle ^bottom w/ yellow leaf
^bottom w/ yellow leaf

The top of the plant does seem a little brighter green while the bottom seems more forest-green. Like i said, no major yellow or spots or burns...just limp leaves :( Help!:weed:


Active Member
Seems to me it could be overwaterd. Is it all organic miricle grow?
Yep, organic soil and organic food, figured it would be the least of the evils.

Also no, we haven't checked the ph balance (i quite frankly dont even know how to do that) and we don't try and do any chemical-balancing.

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
I had problems with wll organic earth grow dirt. It looked about the same where the top was turning yellow. Is your stem a little purple?


Active Member
Actually, we tried watering them more last night and today the top two rows of leaves definitely perked up a lot more - pretty sure they were just under-watered. If anyone can explain the random yellow leaf (there's two of them on the whole plant, both at the bottom, on opposite sides - no idea why) that would be lovely tho.

KiLLeR RiP 420

Active Member
If its a one peddled leaf on each side those die off and regurlar peddled leafs turn yellow underneath due to not enough light. Also it could be your ph.


Well being said that you just put this plant into flower after 4 to 5 months should be way bigger to start with. A plant this size should have only been growing 4 weeks or less. I would say your "5 grow lights" could be a factor. Where are the branches on this plant? Looks to me like this is a bad case of not enough light and over watering just to start with. Then your next problem is miracle grow...spend a little extra your plant will thank you for it...don't overdo the nutes start very small. use something now for flowering like Sensi Bloom A&B 2 part at 1/8 strength on bottle directions to start with...slowly work up but never exceed 1/2 strength of label directions. If your plant was under watered it should have quickly recovered overnight after a over watered plant takes many days to recover....I would now let the soil dry out for at least 4 days if not a whole week..if the first top 3 inches of soil are dry and still no recovery i would flush your plants with correct ph water to get your soil to 6.4 to 6.8 ph. also a good flush will get rid of that miracle grow crap so you can start over with advanced nutes or fox farms nutes for flowering. Your ferts should now contain less nitrogen and more P and K now that your in flower. Invest in a HPS light you wont be sorry.


Well-Known Member
Well being said that you just put this plant into flower after 4 to 5 months should be way bigger to start with. A plant this size should have only been growing 4 weeks or less. I would say your "5 grow lights" could be a factor. Where are the branches on this plant? Looks to me like this is a bad case of not enough light and over watering just to start with. Then your next problem is miracle grow...spend a little extra your plant will thank you for it...don't overdo the nutes start very small. use something now for flowering like Sensi Bloom A&B 2 part at 1/8 strength on bottle directions to start with...slowly work up but never exceed 1/2 strength of label directions. If your plant was under watered it should have quickly recovered overnight after a over watered plant takes many days to recover....I would now let the soil dry out for at least 4 days if not a whole week..if the first top 3 inches of soil are dry and still no recovery i would flush your plants with correct ph water to get your soil to 6.4 to 6.8 ph. also a good flush will get rid of that miracle grow crap so you can start over with advanced nutes or fox farms nutes for flowering. Your ferts should now contain less nitrogen and more P and K now that your in flower. Invest in a HPS light you wont be sorry.
Yep. Could not have said it better. Well done, good advice.


Go get a moisture/PH meter at your local gardening center.....should be able to find a simple one that will work for $9.99 or somewhere in that area. Your gonna spend about 40 bucks on Fox farms or Advanced nutrients but those nutes will be enough for many future grows. (if you plan to grow again). Once you have your ph/moisture meter in hand i would first test the PH of your tap water. 6.5-7.0 is normal for tap water. Then test your soil...making sure you test while the soil is wet for an accurate reading. Ph testers don't test dry soil very well. If your soil PH is above 7.0 you will want your water to be a lower ph so it balances your soil out at around 6.5