List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

When I spoke of things I countered, I am talking about facts not beliefs. Such as the fact that the gospel writers were not witnesses to what they wrote about and there are clear embellishments and liberties taken with their writings, including mistranslating OT verses and trying to make them fit as a messianic prophecy where no single Hebrew reading individual would have made that mistake. You can pretend you countered those facts but you would be wrong.

You know so much don't you? Well you talk about things being re-translated to fit prophecy, and you say no one was witness to what they write about and you expect me to take you seriously. I guess that people that physically walked with Jesus and wrote about the teachings the recieved like Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Steven, Thomas and the list goes on never exsisted.

This talk about re-translated to fit prophecy stuff is silly. Just because you discredit documented history it is o.k. but if we discredit science and foolish remarks you make then we are just dumb christians.

By the way trying to tell the writer of a book what he ment when he wrote it sounds pretty silly to me but I can only speak for myself because I failed mind reading in school.

Oh and by the way if the mistranslated word you are reffering to is "ALMAH" you should probably go ahead and tell everyone the full deffinition and also let them know what the Greek translation was also to better understand the validity behind the use of the word "ALMAH."
Am I the only one who noticed that when a moderator (christian moderator I might add) started a thread and the conversation was derailed, there was action taken. (He closed his own thread). But it's all fine and dandy that this one was hijacked. I wonder why that is. Biased mod? Abuse of mod privledges? Nah, couldn't be.
What is wrong with shutting down your own thread Christian or not if you decide it is getting out of hand you have the choice of shutting it down. I am sure if the OP decides to shut this one down for whatever reason it is his call not anyone elses.
potpimp has made it clear he is an atheist you fool... there go those atheists, changing things again, lol

Am I the only one who noticed that when a moderator (christian moderator I might add) started a thread and the conversation was derailed, there was action taken. (He closed his own thread). But it's all fine and dandy that this one was hijacked. I wonder why that is. Biased mod? Abuse of mod privledges? Nah, couldn't be.
Meh, atheist, christian, point is it's a crappy thing to do. What if the OP of this thread decides that since it's "his" thread, he wants all off topic posts deleted? I know you'd love to have yet another thing to demonize atheists for, but that's just you being a hateful bigot again.
yeah man, whatever... you have nothing better to say but to blame people that have nothing to do with what you hate... me being a bigot is like saying you are the president, so dont go pointing fingers when those fingers also apply to you

Meh, atheist, christian, point is it's a crappy thing to do. What if the OP of this thread decides that since it's "his" thread, he wants all off topic posts deleted? I know you'd love to have yet another thing to demonize atheists for, but that's just you being a hateful bigot again.
hmmm, funny how you care about sunday when you are a dumb atheist. dont hate everything religion?
why am i 'dumb' for being an athiest ? its you who makes the outlandish claims of a higher being that created everything in a few days , and with not one scrap of evidence , my lack of belief in your rediculous claims , does not make me dumb .
And i love sundays , chilling out smoking good green , i just hate all the religious crap on the telly , and the shops all being shut .Sunday to me is the same as a saturday , a day off work .
I hate to say this BUT the only reason christianity and it's prediseser Catholisisum, have stayed around so long is that it has a very large P/R campain.
And look at all the feed this and save that thats all done by the Christian church. it's the dark ages all over again, if you say you don't believe in what they are selling then they won't leave you alone.(Let's Pray About This)STOP!!!!
Why the fuck are you guys just trying to piss each other off? Is that your only motive of coming on this thread? Because AGAIN, this thread is labeled: List of things Christianity has made worse. So why don't you guys quit pointing fingers at who is right or wrong about shit and lets hear some more things that Christianity has made worse. I'll start it back up by adding: Christianity has made the lives of everyone (including themselves) worse. bongsmilie On that note I'm gonna rip a GB
I hate to say this BUT the only reason christianity and it's prediseser Catholisisum, have stayed around so long is that it has a very large P/R campain.
And look at all the feed this and save that thats all done by the Christian church. it's the dark ages all over again, if you say you don't believe in what they are selling then they won't leave you alone.(Let's Pray About This)STOP!!!!

I will say this for the Church ... it did, in its way, promote literacy. cn
I will say this for the Church ... it did, in its way, promote literacy. cn

Not really...the chirch shuned literacy amongst the commoners which is why the bible was for hundreds of years printed only in latin so they couldnt read it. King james though put it into understandable form.
So since I am the thread starter, does that mean I can close the thread if I want? Or kick people out? I dont want to, just curious what my options are...

Another thing chriatians have made worse, our environment. Given their predisposition to believing inthe rapture, they feel they will not have to deal with the world left behing. This assumptio, along with the thoughtthat the world and everything in it was created for our consumption has aided the generations of environmental irresponsibility.

Eat shit christians.
during the dark and middle ages christianity was just away of gaining political power by persecuting non-believers.(i want his land,ill just spread rumors of his heresy) Not to mention the millions of other people percieved as savages.But regardless of all this,im still christian. You know why? because all these events were caused by mortal man and his ignorance,not my God or Messiah,so to the o.p instead of being mad at christians you should be hating greedy medevil european kings and queens (or catholics) lol. and explain to me how christianity makes your life harder except for the annoying door 2 door(ers) are all u atheist being accused of heresy by obama?
So since I am the thread starter, does that mean I can close the thread if I want? Or kick people out? I dont want to, just curious what my options are...

Another thing chriatians have made worse, our environment. Given their predisposition to believing inthe rapture, they feel they will not have to deal with the world left behing. This assumptio, along with the thoughtthat the world and everything in it was created for our consumption has aided the generations of environmental irresponsibility.

Eat shit christians.
Eat shit???well i do fell like poppin some caps...oh wait,shrooms and marijuana are frowned upon by my god even though he created them! i was lmcao (laughing my christian ass off) when i read a post on this thread stating that lol whoever posted up shrooms and MJ are drugs leave rollitup,you apparently cant tell difference between drugs,plants,and fungi