List Your Greatest Achievements


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys!

What are your highest yeilds? How much light did you use and in how big of a space? Hydro/Soil?

I'm looking forward to hearing some of your achievements.


Active Member
i wanked in my plant water and watered it while in flowring and the buds got white and grew alot bigger in 1 day


Well-Known Member
this has nothing to do with weed but an achievment nonetheless~!

When i was 21 and living in london , i forged a degree in nuclear medicine from the university of bradford in england and used it to teach at a university in china for 6months lmfao.

They never asked me a thing about nuclear medicine just assumed i could teach, i was drunk most classes but my students ( who were an average of 5-6 years older than me) loved me. And apprently learnt heaps! i was teaching business btw;
Also i was only national chinese television for my school , and had to pretend i was from canada, but i didnt even bother faking an accent , imagine and canadian with an aussie accent haha


Well-Known Member
it was ten cents for a 40oz of beer .

And the weed up there was absolute shit, used to make tea out of it though.

My canadian mate went out picking weed out just out of the town we lived in cos it grows wild, its absolute crap though, anyways ,he brought back like 3 sports bags filled with it and hung it up all aroundhis apartment to dry , one morning he was late to teach his class and his boss came into his apartment,

he forgot to lock the door and she walked in to find weed everywhere , and a path through the weed to his room , kitch and bathroom. Also found him butt naked passed out on his bed lol ,

He woke up and told her that he made his own herbal tea and that it was all tea lmfao. Which was true , he forgot to tell he it was illegal haha

But she bought it. stupid woman.