Little black bugs on the bottoms of my leaves?

Hey all I have little black bugs crawling around on the bottoms of my leaves and Im not seeing much damage at all but was wondering what they are and how to get rid of them? will post pics if needed...P3ACE:leaf:
I believe those are spider mites brother, sorry to hear about that. Do some more research on it though. i'm sure their are ways to get rid of them.


Well-Known Member
Hey all I have little black bugs crawling around on the bottoms of my leaves and Im not seeing much damage at all but was wondering what they are and how to get rid of them? will post pics if needed...P3ACE:leaf:
Pics needed. Spider mites are not black. What stage of plant growth? Kill with Sevin spray top and bottom of every leaf if 30 days or more before harvest. Then I use Thanatos as a preventive spray on leaves and stems and early buds. Neem oil is great too.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Mighty wash is the best product to use(in my experience) to rid yourself of mites. Its a 99% water solution that I believe is "charged" or "ionized" or some crap. Basically when it comes in contact with the mite it causes them to explode in half! Since this is 99% water it is safe to use throughout flower. I had a small mite issue that I got from a buddies clone and you want to make sure you soak every part of the leave. The mites usually start low and work their way up so make sure you hit up the stem as thats the main highway for travel. Use it on all your plants even if you dont see any mites on em... it only takes a couple to produce thousands. I hit my plants up with a coat... waited a couple days and then applied another one and it took care of the issue 100%.

The Count

Well-Known Member
Pics needed. Spider mites are not black. What stage of plant growth? Kill with Sevin spray top and bottom of every leaf if 30 days or more before harvest. Then I use Thanatos as a preventive spray on leaves and stems and early buds. Neem oil is great too.
He could be seeing their poop ... the mites I had were orange and the black spots lil turds. Luckily I caught it before they made it past the first few nodes and onto any bud


Well-Known Member
He could be seeing their poop ... the mites I had were orange and the black spots lil turds. Luckily I caught it before they made it past the first few nodes and onto any bud
Agree but I am assuming he saw them moving. Everybody needs a big magnifying glass and a couple of different power handheld microscopes. 40X for easy view of early buds up to 100X for best exam to determine peak minute to pluck! The handheld simple magnifying glass to check things like bugs or spots.
Pics needed. Spider mites are not black. What stage of plant growth? Kill with Sevin spray top and bottom of every leaf if 30 days or more before harvest. Then I use Thanatos as a preventive spray on leaves and stems and early buds. Neem oil is great too.
Ok Ill post pics at some point today in between doin shit but the plants are into their 3rd week of flowering however ive been told they are prob sativa which means 10+ weeks of flowering and they are all about 4 and a half months old I believe so idk if that makes any difference with anything but lemme know and Im planning on picking up some neem oil today because ive heard it does a real good job, so I will see if that work, do you know if i have to do anything special while using the neem oil? like as far as light and water? and speaking of light I was curious on if I should be giving my plants less or more light, they get between 12 and 14 hours daily while they are budding? Sorry for all the questions but this is my first actual grow besides throwing some seeds outside in the dirt..I am planning on growing inside year round so any info your willing to share is greatly appreciated...P3ACE