Little clear sacks


New Member
RIU community,

First off i dont have any pictures, but im sure i wont need them if i describe this right. anyways, i need your help trying to figure out what im looking at.

My plants are roughly 5 weeks old, around about 1 1/2 foot tall or so maybe closer to 2 feet tall. There is about 7 layers of leafs (nodes?) anyways... today i woke up and noticed these transluecent bulbs/sacks where the branches form out of the main stalk. At first i thought "oh no a male" but... after further looking at other pictures, it doesnt look like a male ball forming at all. They kinda look like fluid sacks. I was wondering, is this the begining of pre-flower? or are they early signs of males? It doesnt seem like a preflower because i have them on my lowest branches aswell. And they are apart of the plant, not spidermite eggs etc. infact their quite large, 5-7 mm in diameter maybe.

I know , pictures say 1000 words, and if i had a cam of any type (no, dont own a cell) i would take a picture for you all. But with as little as i detailed, anyone have a clue?



New Member
LGC: yeah kinda like that except a little more translucent and a little more round. and theyre only located (So far) where the leaf stem meets the main stem.

Ring: no theyre not bugs :P or eggs sacks or anything like that.


Edit: that link you sent me for some reason, wont show many any of the pics they post. Im guessing you need to be a member there?


New Member
Thanks LGC. I only have 3 plants, the 2 that have them on them so far are much bigger than the 3rd one is. and the 2 that has them seem different from each other, so im hoping it is just muscles :D


New Member
well if they were all 3 the same strands then i would worry too hehe, these were just soem i collected through smoking. pretty sure all 3 are different strands. Cause when i rub their stems they all 3 smell different :)