Little LED grow experiment

Hey guys. Just a little update.

I transplanted the oldest one about 5 days ago. It did not go as well as I expected it to go. Poor girl had a rough time but she sprang back pretty well. The cotyledons and bottom leaves are dying and there is a little bit of yellowing on the tip of of the 3 bladed leaves but they will be fine. I don't have my grow log handy but I believe she is now 17 days old from the day I put the seed in the dirt. I have still not fed her anything but straight tap water.
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This here is Blue Rhino. I'm not sure how old she is. I just can't find my grow log. Once I find it I'll udate with the age of the 2 younger ones.
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Here is baby Jock Horror
photo 3.jpg

All 3 are rooting like crazy under 24/0. I could see the roots at the bottom of the pots of JH #1 and Blue Rhino like 6-7 days ago. I only have space for one medium pot and 2 small pots in that box though.


Forgot to mention I think they're all stunted because of extremely low humidity in the grow box. I've recently managed to get it at around 25-30%. It's been around 2 days since and I can already see a difference. This will all be sorted out once I get them out of this box.
Careful of magnesium lockout from too much calcium, if you are using tap water
Hey, thanks for the heads up! I will keep that in mind.

I'm going to switch to distilled water soon. A friend of mine can supply me. I'm just waiting on him to bring some over.

Now, I doubt it but is there a chance that my plants will go into shock from switching to distilled water? I know it's probably hard to say without knowing exactly what is in my water. It's not that bad though. It's around 135ppm. I live in the boonies though so I have my own water well. I know there's no chlorine or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
I would say you'd be fine, the only thing i could think would possibly be different in the long term would be if there was trace elements (as in the nutrients the plant needs in tiny amounts like boron, iron, etc) in your tap water for whatever reason, and not in the distilled water. Over time maybe you'd see them lacking. Or maybe i should put the pipe down :mrgreen:

Oh and to be clear, what i said about calcium abundance is only relevant if the water is "hard" (ie has lots of calcium in it. :P) i often forget that this isnt the case everywhere.


Active Member
Nice job here, love the box!. They are stunted because of slight overwatering. Definitely let those pots dry out.
Alright. Just a quick update, I have no pictures at the moment, I've got to run out to the store to get some Neem Oil. I believe I've got some little buggers on my oldest girl. I can see small white spots on the tip on the older leaves. I'm thinking this could also be some sort of deposit from when I had super low humidity. I would spray water on the leaves. Now though, it's the second time I find a tiny little string going from one leaf to an another. Yesterday I thought it might've just been a hair from a pet that flew in somehow.

I still have not seen mites though. I'm going to borrow a friends magnifying glass and start looking for them. As soon as I find one I will spray it and root feed it neem oil.

I'm hoping not to have to do this but I've had spidermites on a "house" plant I had in the living room before so I wouldn't be surprised if I had some again, since I do have a dog and a cat. It is winter though, so I'd be surprised if they came from outside the house. They may be from one of the many house plants I have here.
Day 20 I believe?

I bought some neem and then got my friends little magnifying glass. I could not see any mites, what a relief!

Here is my pride and joy, Martha.
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Here is Blue Rhino.
photo 4.jpg

And here is the Jock Horror Runt. I'm too lazy to upload a picture of the bottom of the pot, should've thought of it earlier, but she desperately needs a transplant. the main taproot is sticking out like 2 inches now.
photo 5.jpg


Well-Known Member
personally i think i would kill that Jock horror and use the space on the other two. If you still have excess space you could do some 12/12's from seed to try out some new strains, maybe.

I say that because 1. Its super stunted (has it got any better recently? looks like your other 2 took off a bit) and 2. because ive heard mixed things about jock horror.

edit: I would think you have too much blue, it also looks like your red panels are mounted on the sides kinda "above" the plants shining sideways, so they are maybe not hitting the plant right now? I would think to put them on some books to get them in the "line of fire" of those red panels and switch off the bottom side panels since they wont be doing anything anymore. This might be contributing to their size.
Thanks for the input. Personally I think the jock horror is stunted because of the main taproot is already sticking out the bottom of the pot and is dying out. I've heard that this would stunt autos terribly. I'm going to have alot more space soon. I'm not going to kill it off, I'm sure it will bounce back. These autos are said to flower very late so I don't mind if it gets stunted a little bit.

I've got some Caramel Ice and Cherry Kush seeds. I may plant these once I move to the larger room. The red light is actually hitting the plants, I don't think that's the case because I've had a friend veg 3 plants under 2 of those white panels and they were fine. Obviously they were a bit tall and stretchy but I don't think the red light has anything to do with the 2 runts being stunted. I blame the pots and perhaps the soil.

The soil in those pots got hard as a rock. I poked some holes in there to air out the soil, we'll see what happens.
I've actually pulled out the tiny jock horror. I haven't killed it, it's just outside of the box, not sure what to do with it yet. It looks better today than it did yesterday. I've also transplanted Blue Rhino into a larger pot. She's still looking down but she is also looking much better than she was yesterday.

I also got my hands on some Blue Cheese seeds from Barney's Farm. A kid from my street purchased them at a High Times shop and showed them to me yesterday. I'm going to trade him some Jock Horrors for some Blue Cheeses and perhaps I'll throw one in once I upgrade the room.

In anycase, here are some pictures of Martha the Jock at 25 days old.

Here she is, showing me her womanhood.
photo 1.jpg

Here she is, in all of her beauty. She is going to be one bushy bitch if she keeps things up this way. She's not looking very Sativa-y.
photo 2.jpgphoto 3.jpg
I will update with pictures later. Just want to add that Martha is already stinking up the box, she is going to be one stinky skank. Blue Rhino (DeLanice) is getting better, her leaves are slowly straightening out. She was showing signs of overwatering even though I've let her dry out completely a few times. I will try giving her nothing but distilled water from now on, and see if it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Looking good overall, autos sometimes start out slow but then just explode with growth all of the sudden so don't worry about your runt just yet lol
Thanks. I actually felt too bad just leaving it on my desk, without proper lighting, so I built a temporary grow box with 2 LED panels that I couldn't fit in the first grow box. There's room to grow some lettuce in there too so that's always nice.

In any case, here are a few more pics of Martha. I'm not taking many pictures of the Blue Rhino or the other Jock because there's really not much to see.

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I think this post for those people who are interested in indoor gardening. I have seen that many people use some unique ideas for growing their plants. Here you have shared totally unbelievable pictures with us.
Thank you, I'm glad you like them.

Now, I'm afraid my tiny Martha is now flowering, at around 5 inches tall. She stretched about an inch last night, the lower fan leaves are yellowing. Worst part is, I fed her last night and now I need to wait until I can give her proper bloom nutes.

I may be wrong, she may be yellowing because of nute burn as well. We will see. If this thing actually just decided to go into flowering, I'm gonna be seeing some pretty odd results. I wouldn't mind one big ass nugget, but I really doubt I will be buying anymore Autos, especially not from Nirvana seed.