Little Pollination


Active Member
I was wondering if it is possible to save the pollen from a male so i can pollinate a female somewhere else late in the season. i just want to dab a lil branch of it on to the girl. will this ruine my whole plant or crop of female(s).
is the pollen even potent after like mybe a month of saving it. i just want a few seeds so i can use them. will the seeds mature if i do pollinate that late, almost at maturity. or when should i do it. HAS ANYONE DONE THIS


Uses the Rollitup profile
I've never done it, but I've read that you can do it. You can collect the pollen in a bag, store in fridge, and then put the bag over a female branch. If you're careful, you won't spread pollen around the rest of the area.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i collect mine in a brown glass jar. then apply to single nugs with a modelers paint brush. it should store for at least 6 months if seales and kept out of the light. you can hold the jar just below the pod thensnip it and let it fall in. leave the jar open until pollen is completely dry, then seal and store.


Active Member
awsome i think i might do this but can i do this wiht this years crop with a male and female. because i want some seeds for next yeaer


Well-Known Member
I was advised by someone with a great deal of knowledge that the best way to pollinate a plant is to get like a big black bin liner sack. Then put it over the female you want to pollinate, make a small hole in the bag then pull just one of the branches through the plant. Should get roughly around 100 seeds per branch.

As advised by viredd


Well-Known Member

get a little mason jar tiny ir use a film canister (little black round plastic grey snap top we used to put 35mm in them. turn off qall the fans and use the paint brush like fadded said. gently brush on a dab over the individual buds and donrt forget where you polinated, ]

dont spill any pollen into the air in fact dab the brush and close the container then walk in the room with the brush in a cup so no pollen blows off justa pinch could ruin your room if iot gets loose in the air.


Well-Known Member

get a little mason jar tiny ir use a film canister (little black round plastic grey snap top we used to put 35mm in them. turn off qall the fans and use the paint brush like fadded said. gently brush on a dab over the individual buds and donrt forget where you polinated, ]

dont spill any pollen into the air in fact dab the brush and close the container then walk in the room with the brush in a cup so no pollen blows off justa pinch could ruin your room if iot gets loose in the air.

i mark my pollenated branch with a twist tye. i put a little spit or bud resin on my brush to keep the pollen on it.
when this works for you, you have to send us all :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
wow 100 seeds a branch is that realistic?and hwo do u know wen u can take the seeds of the plant