little root poking out of clone... should i feed?


Active Member
hey people i have a clone that is about 15 days old, and it has a little root barely poking out of the RW cube..

it looks pretty rough.. some of the leaves are completely yellow and they are starting to brown the stem is thinner than it was at first and it seems to be yellowing. and there are some red spots on the stem (P-K def)

now that it has some small roots inside the cube. should i start feeding soon so it gains some color and strenght soon?

i did feed it a solution with Technaflora's Root 66 and sugar daddy.. which should hopefully help it grow a strong root system.

i also took it out the humidity dome..

is there anything else i should do? thanks!


Well-Known Member
what size cube is the cutting in, i start my clones off in a 1" cube and when it has roots i put it in the 3" cubes that was soaked with just less than 1/4 strenth veg nutes ;-)


Active Member
what size cube is the cutting in, i start my clones off in a 1" cube and when it has roots i put it in the 3" cubes that was soaked with just less than 1/4 strenth veg nutes ;-)
its in a 1.5 inch RW cube... it will go on a 5gallon DWC system... i usually put my seedings in the buckets when they have roots barely poking out... should i put the clone in the bucket? or should i wait?

it did take a long time to root and even the roots seem to be very small since the cube is only 1.5"!


New Member
15 days to get a root to stick out of a 1.5" rw cube and already getting what appears to be deficiencies...that doesn't sound right.

Did you presoak your rw cube for 24 hours in 5.5 pH solution?


Active Member
15 days to get a root to stick out of a 1.5" rw cube and already getting what appears to be deficiencies...that doesn't sound right.

Did you presoak your rw cube for 24 hours in 5.5 pH solution?
i soaked for about an hour, the label in the cubes specifically said there was no nee to soak over night

i know... well the deficiencies are probs cuz the plant was trying to eat the stored food to make the roots.... idk why it took so long... i did spray a lot so maybe i leeched some nutrients out of the leaves and i read that too much humidity can inhibit root growth.....

it came from a DinaFem blue widow which is indica dominant and they are supposed to be easy to clone...

this is the plant it came from:

Blue Widow @ 45 Days.png


Well-Known Member
why are we clapping? lol

im unlucky as i just can't be arsed to do all that soaking in 5.5 ph for 24h. i just fill my sink add a little veg nutes and then just hold the rw cube in the water till it gets wet only half way up the cube, then i shake the fecker out as it needs to be damp not full of water. thats all i do, i must be
lucky ;-)


Active Member

im unlucky as i just can't be arsed to do all that soaking in 5.5 ph for 24h. i just fill my sink add a little veg nutes and then just hold the rw cube in the water till it gets wet only half way up the cube, then i shake the fecker out as it needs to be damp not full of water. thats all i do, i must be
lucky ;-)
heres the clone:

Screen Shot 2012-12-02 at 5.38.17 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-12-02 at 5.38.35 PM.pngScreen Shot 2012-12-02 at 5.38.43 PM.png

should i just hand feed till more roots poke out?


Well-Known Member
I would wait for a couple days till you see some new growth, water it with a very light nutrient solution if they're light ( I just use a 200 ppm mix of equal part micro and bloom) but dont keep it soggy, a lot of people have trouble with their clones before and after rooting by keeping them too saturated..that leads to rot and sluggish growth.


Well-Known Member
it looks like that because it is starving. it needs food now, not two days from now. if it has roots it will be fine, just feed it.


Active Member
shake the water out (do not squeez) and feed her like now go on feck off and feed her. tut tut

you do you think the Root 66 and the SugarDaddy should be enough? root 66 is an organic root stimulator and has 1% N, 1% P , 1% K, and 0.05% Fe the sugardaddy is pretty much just carbohydrates and some Mg.

i watered the cube with the solution which has 250 PPM (.5 E.C)... should i keep feeding this or should i just feed the regular NPK nutes?


Well-Known Member
1/4 max of what ever plant food you have...and now mr. hell have a piss and thin it with water x3 then feed her with it................... chop chop fec off lol ;-)


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, when I said wait a couple days I was referring to his question about putting it into a dwc system,not wait to feed it.As it just looks like a wet cube with no roots, plopping it into a bucket would be wishful thinking.(until it shows roots)
it looks like that because it is starving. it needs food now, not two days from now. if it has roots it will be fine, just feed it.


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify, when I said wait a couple days I was referring to his question about putting it into a dwc system,not wait to feed it.As it just looks like a wet cube with no roots, plopping it into a bucket would be wishful thinking.(until it shows roots)

hey chillax, its all good and lots of us are stoned to lol ;-)