• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

LMFAO. Weather channel founder to sue Al Gore for 'global warming fraud'


New Member
i was really put off with the scam of global warming until recently. have yo heard of this case where the inuits of the north pole are trying to sue some energy companies?

once people realize that if you believe in global warming, every energy company on the planet can be rightfully sued for their role in additional CO2, scientists and politicians will back down off the issue to prevent the storm of litigation.

we can all breath a sigh of relief. the global warming bullshit will be over soon.


Well-Known Member
yep, i believe global warming because of co2 is a hoax.. i believe it is the other way around... just think about this for a second

al gore show you a graph of the co2 vs temp in our past... right?

think about how co2 could go up in the past.... there were no cars, no factories, nothing that produced co2 inorganically. the things that did produce co2 were volcanos, decomposing matter, animals, and other organic stuff.

how would this minuscule amount of co2 actually change the weather? the fact is that it didn't....

my point is that temps effect the co2 levels... not the other way around.
also, the sun is warming(fact) and actually other planets in our solar system are warming too(fact)...

the whole point to al gores "an inconvenient truth" is a scare tactic to get the populace in a state of fear and make us believe that we have to do something to save the world.. thusly, they would be able to implement a global co2 tax on anything that produces co2 and robbing the average citizens more of their hard earned money..

i am an environmentalist, and believe the world should be taken care of for sure... there are things that we could do to stop pollution from fossil fuels, like run our cars off of water....

YouTube - Global Warming Hoax

YouTube - Alex Jones - The Global Warming Scam

YouTube - water powered car

idk, i could go on about this for hours but ill refrain from my rant.. :lol:


New Member
Really, Global warming is a hoax? I guess there are some idiots left on the planet. I was pretty sure this phenomenom was proven beyond a doubt. The only arguement as I see it is whether man has contributed to it. And when you look at all the info, you'll have a hard time disclaiming that. I guess these folks are the ones that want to heat and cool their 10,000 sq. ft. mansions,, drive their Hummers full tilt, and basically take a shit on mother earth. Has common sense left the building??? How can anyone be so damned sure the planet is not warming when all the criteria is exactly opposite? I wonder, are people just stupid or stubborn and stuck with the misinformation the elites want to pound down our throats. Them and the evangelicals that basically say, fuck the earth, the lord is coming soon, like Bush that asshole. Yeah, lets just take a giant shit on mother earth, no worries. Well Mother earth is striking back, tornados, floods, sunamis, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, mudslides, "yeah shit on me will ya"!!


Well-Known Member
Really, Global warming is a hoax? I guess there are some idiots left on the planet. I was pretty sure this phenomenom was proven beyond a doubt. The only arguement as I see it is whether man has contributed to it. And when you look at all the info, you'll have a hard time disclaiming that. I guess these folks are the ones that want to heat and cool their 10,000 sq. ft. mansions,, drive their Hummers full tilt, and basically take a shit on mother earth. Has common sense left the building??? How can anyone be so damned sure the planet is not warming when all the criteria is exactly opposite? I wonder, are people just stupid or stubborn and stuck with the misinformation the elites want to pound down our throats. Them and the evangelicals that basically say, fuck the earth, the lord is coming soon, like Bush that asshole. Yeah, lets just take a giant shit on mother earth, no worries. Well Mother earth is striking back, tornados, floods, sunamis, hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, mudslides, "yeah shit on me will ya"!!
whoo......easy med!!! (edit-) dont have a stroke on us now :lol:

im not saying pollution is good, but i am saying that co2 IS NOT THE CATALYST TO GLOBAL WARMING!!!

"I was pretty sure this phenomenom was proven beyond a doubt."

ok, where did you get that info from? al gore? the keys words there are "was pretty sure":mrgreen:

"How can anyone be so damned sure the planet is not warming when all the criteria is exactly opposite?"

no one is refuting that planet isn't warming.. just tell me why other planets in our solar system are warming too? do you think aliens are driving cars there? :lol: could it possible be that the sun is warming? why have there been ice ages and what-not? there were no co2 problems back then.

"I wonder, are people just stupid or stubborn and stuck with the misinformation the elites want to pound down our throats."

lol, where did you get your global warming facts from? was it al gore maybe? he's another no good politician that is looking for a way to bend over :hump: the people for all we got.

ohh and dont be so hasty to name call people.. why dont you try and refute my facts? im not calling people that believe in global warming(because of co2) ass holes? thats no way to make friends now med:mrgreen:

here are my facts,

the sun is warming

other planets are warming too

there has been great fluctuation's in earths temps b4 the industrial revolution

~95% of all greenhouse gases are water vapor

the gov't wants to impose a global co2 tax to help the problem :lol:(how can you attenuate how hot the sun is burning? lmao)

so b4 you start name calling MM, please verse yourself on the subject. thanks:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
The fact is that the sun is not a constant, the sun heats up, and the sun cools off.

CO2 is not the 'devil gas'. Co2 is the original life gas- co2 was on this planet long before oxygen.

This lie is getting out of control-

Also, China just had the coldest winter in years... even the concept of the earth constantly warming is ludicrous. Nothing is constant about our earth, nothing is constant about our sun, our earth's orbit isn't even a perfect constant circle. The fear mongering for more control by the wealthy elite needs to stop.

The public school systems seem to have done their job... even in a place where we all contemplate BUYING CO2 to enhance our plants.. what double think some of you must have going on.. co2, good for plant life, bad for the earth? Please..

Want to know what IS bad for the earth? Conflict... war... annihilation of our beautiful world...

The earth will survive whatever we do.. it is our future as a species we need to be thinking about.. Please my friends, the wool is being pulled over everyone's face- and the biggest reason they are getting away with is it because people are uninformed. They say whatever they want to say, the people who will profit financially carry out the lie, then 'we the people' hear it, digest it, believe it, and repeat it. While the liars are watching laughing knowing nearly no one cares to think for them self anymore or read.


New Member
My contention here is the ones with the most to lose if Global warming is taken seriously are the power and Oil companies, the automobile Mfgrs, the coal coalition, the chemical plants etc. and all the politicos that take graft from all of them. Can you prove me wrong on this?


Well-Known Member
Americans won't stop using cars and gases- Americans are not willing to take the step. And the legislation trying to be passed and being used in other countries has nothing to do with stopping these companies- it has to do with taxing the people and selling 'carbon credits' to the corporations so they can continue with their business as usual. Things will not drastically change for these companies- and the people will not stop using these companies as long as they are available, regardless of how much they think it's hurting the environment. People can SAY they care all they want- it is the action that makes their words true.

This scam, if let to play out, will effectively tax the majority, profit the few, yet also, make it even harder for smaller privately owned business to ever try to merge into these fields of business.


Well-Known Member
My contention here is the ones with the most to lose if Global warming is taken seriously are the power and Oil companies, the automobile Mfgrs, the coal coalition, the chemical plants etc. and all the politicos that take graft from all of them. Can you prove me wrong on this?
lol, how do you figure? the people who use entities that produce co2 will be charged a direct tax on this..

thats like saying that the car companies/manufactures will be given speeding tickets because they produced the cars which the people abused. it doesnt work that way, and the end cost will be given to the consumers.

the only thing they want is another tax, this time on the world populace for anyone that produced Co2...

also, you know that the big companies sleep with the gov't anyways and i doubt they would get taxed on their co2 output.

only through peace and knowledge will we obtain true freedom :D


Well-Known Member
i personally believe more co2 is actually not a bad thing... it creates bigger, healthier, robust, vigorous, and just better plants which will create more oxygen in return... within limits obviously....JMHO

pollution on the other hand is bad!!!! co2 is natural and in proportion(under 1500ppm, our air is currently ~300ppm) is completely safe and healthy for our environment.

what we need to do is look more into using hemp as a catalyst to save our trees. we need to use hydrogen to run our cars.

oil and fossil fuels are not the answer, just think about if we never struck oil in the first place, im sure our ingenious minds could think of dozens of other alternative fuel sources to power our growing world... the only hinder now, is the oil companies monopoly controlling our gov't to an extent which discards novel ingenious alternative sources.

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1



New Member
Global Warming is the result of a cyclic weather pattern.... Not man's fault.
Geeze Dank, I expected more insight from you. You actually haven't seen the stastistics on greenhouse gasses then eh? My MY, a person with your intellect being duped by big oil, big coal, the corporate poluters. I am amazed.


New Member
Greenhouse gases are those released to the air which trap radiation from the sun, leading to a warming of the earth’s atmosphere. The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty bringing many of the world's developed nations together in an effort to limit greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the effects of global warming. Six specific gases that contribute towards global warming have set targets for reduction under this protocol. These are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride. You must admit these are man made, well maybe not methane, but the rest, If all the natural gases were just cruising along without mans contributions, do you really think there would be this much global warming going on. Just the fact that there are 5-6 billion humans on the planet, eating, smoking, shitting, farting, driving, bathing, using heat and refridgeration, is enough to raise the ambient temperature. Have you ever been stuck in an elevator with twenty sweating people, me either, but I'll bet the temp goes up.



New Member
The Koyoto Treaty is an economic disaster ready to happen.

There is no proof that Man is the cause of so called Global Warming. The earth goes through temperature cycles ... and has since time began.

There are huge amounts of money at stake here ... and that's the scam of Global Warming.



Well-Known Member
Have you ever been stuck in an elevator with twenty sweating people, me either, but I'll bet the temp goes up.
What do body temperatures have to do with CO2?

Why is this 'global warming movement' so anti-humanistic? I'm so sick of the propaganda, 'if only those damn humans weren't here, the earth would be a great place to live'.

The historical geological evidence shows that temperature always starts rising before co2 increases.. geological evidence also shows that co2 has been much much higher. Geological evidence also shows that the earth's temperatures have been much higher. Evidence also shows that our air contains less OXYGEN now more than ever, especially in metropolitan areas.

What do we give plants so they are more productive? Co2... What do humans need to perform better? Oxygen.. What increases oxygen? Plant life converting co2 into oxygen.

At higher levels of co2, plants grow faster, have heavier yields, and are more comfortable with warmer temperatures.

At about 300pm of co2 in our normal air.. our plants are STARVING for co2. As growers, WE SHOULD KNOW THIS.

We're having more and more food shortages in the world, and ever rising food prices.. but they want to starve the crops more?!?!

Please people, just think. Stop with the double think. You can't reasonably understand the co2/oxygen circle and still think higher co2 levels is a bad thing... it's the LACK of co2 we need to be concerned about.. honestly, we should have factories PRODUCING co2...


Well-Known Member
I think it's all the damn cattle we're all raising. Bovine flatulence is a serious issue ya know. Damn cows... ;)