• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

LMFAO. Weather channel founder to sue Al Gore for 'global warming fraud'


Well-Known Member
come on guys? what does name calling do to bring enlightenment to the table? name calling just causes bitterness and puts up walls!! share facts and refrain from the nonsense.

i sent medman a plethora of links for him to indulge in :lol: maybe he will change his mind? idk, maybe all my logic is false? but the more i look into global warming the more i realize its a bunch of bullshit just like so many other things....

we need more peace among the people so we can unite and stand up for whats right... rationalize with each other, dont hate..


New Member
What, no sense of humor, what an ass!
In my usual spy vs spy mode ... that last post of mine WAS in humor Med. Sorry to see that you missed the humor ... but then you're a humorless libbie, so what can I say? :roll:

And by the way ... as you can see, there are no slights, slime or personal attacks in my posts. :blsmoke:



New Member
In my usual spy vs spy mode ... that last post of mine WAS in humor Med. Sorry to see that you missed the humor ... but then you're a humorless libbie, so what can I say? :roll:

And by the way ... as you can see, there are no slights, slime or personal attacks in my posts. :blsmoke:

Bullshit. You are just more sneaky with it. The point gets made. I'm more out front. I calls em as I sees em.


Well-Known Member
come on guys? what does name calling do to bring enlightenment to the table?
What do you mean guys? If you read my posts you should note that I didn't call med a name in eather post, But med called people idiots, stupid, stubborn and an a asshole. In his retort to my post he didn't attack what I said, he attacked me by calling me a pompous ass.
I had rather him call me names than to call others names, as I look over it and some wouldn't be able to and I think he could be a real sweetheart, if you could git through his barbed wire exterior. Hell i'm truthfull and I can be a bit of an ass at times.

name calling just causes bitterness and puts up walls!! share facts and refrain from the nonsense.
I will not put up any walls because he happens to call me a name. I also don't think he wants me to share my facts with him, for some reason it just seems to just piss him off.

i sent medman a plethora of links for him to indulge in maybe he will change his mind?
I can only hope you have good luck with that.

idk, maybe all my logic is false? but the more i look into global warming the more i realize its a bunch of bullshit just like so many other things....
I can tell you for sure that a lot of your logic is not false, but I responded to meds post on the first page and have only read after where it posted but you seem to have the gist of it. If you wish to understand more read closetcult in the other thread as he was on the money at least on the science part and as deep as you could go without some heavy background in a few areas. What I didn't notice anyone pointing out was that methane is 26 times more refractive than co2 and its light and rises, [though less of this is added by man] where co2 is heavy and sinks where it can be used and removed while methane even if it were in reach, man wouldn't be able to deal with it. Water vapor is a far bigger problem than co2 also and just think of a place like las Vegas a place where man shouldn't be living being so dry less than 8" of rain a year, without water vapor the heat from the day would radiate into space at night and cool down like a desert should but with all the people just the sweat alone adds a lot of vapor, add in the plants of all kinds with the farming, assholes with plants and pools ect.ect. all this water vapor holds the heat in and adds to the heating of the earth. Me I'm not like I live where man has little impact, I let my grass stay from 3"-5" so I have no need to water, recycle everthing ect. so as to be low impact. I'm just not like some who screw up the world and blame it on others. I'm sure you know who you are, shame on you.

we need more peace among the people so we can unite and stand up for whats right... rationalize with each other, dont hate..
I don't hate I may play with med but I don't hate anyone, I leave that for others.


New Member
I think we should be able to pollute all we want to...who cares? fuggem...it's our planet we can destroy it if we want too....


New Member
I think we should be able to pollute all we want to...who cares? fuggem...it's our planet we can destroy it if we want too....
Bonger, I'm afraid there are way too many who think like that. I'm pretty sure you were joking, but in reality I think it is this attitude that fuels the anti-global warming bullshit. You know who you are,~LOL.


Well-Known Member
I can only hope you have good luck with that.

I can tell you for sure that a lot of your logic is not false, but I responded to meds post on the first page and have only read after where it posted but you seem to have the gist of it. If you wish to understand more read closetcult in the other thread as he was on the money at least on the science part and as deep as you could go without some heavy background in a few areas. What I didn't notice anyone pointing out was that methane is 26 times more refractive than co2 and its light and rises, [though less of this is added by man] where co2 is heavy and sinks where it can be used and removed while methane even if it were in reach, man wouldn't be able to deal with it. Water vapor is a far bigger problem than co2 also and just think of a place like las Vegas a place where man shouldn't be living being so dry less than 8" of rain a year, without water vapor the heat from the day would radiate into space at night and cool down like a desert should but with all the people just the sweat alone adds a lot of vapor, add in the plants of all kinds with the farming, assholes with plants and pools ect.ect. all this water vapor holds the heat in and adds to the heating of the earth. Me I'm not like I live where man has little impact, I let my grass stay from 3"-5" so I have no need to water, recycle everthing ect. so as to be low impact. I'm just not like some who screw up the world and blame it on others. I'm sure you know who you are, shame on you.

I don't hate I may play with med but I don't hate anyone, I leave that for others.

"I can only hope you have good luck with that.
"..... lmfao!!!! i was thinking the same thing, but i have faith in the guy! but, in the end, his own person is the jury, so what he believes is whats going to be true if hes adamant enough.

"I can tell you for sure that a lot of your logic is not false,
thanks :mrgreen:

the thing that strikes me as odd is that there is only ~300ppm of co2 in our air(i wonder what al gore and the co2 freaks woul prefer the co2 levels to be at:lol:).... plants can absorb more than ~5 times that amount AND THRIVE OFF OF IT!! so my logic is that as long as we have ample vegetation than we have a natural buffer to keep co2 levels in check. some people dont understand that though..

the thing that scares me more than this global warming hoax is that the masses can be so brainwashed due to the media relentlessly feeding them false propaganda.

my last post was a stoned rant, but peace is honestly the answer. i know you guys joke around at times, but keep the peace and love one another:mrgreen:


New Member
so my logic is that as long as we have ample vegetation than we have a natural buffer to keep co2 levels in check. some people dont understand that though..

I understand that. Now understand this. The forests are dissapearing at the rate the size of Panama per year. Now how is that helping generate oxygen and get rid of co2. Your own words were ample vegetation, It seems like the word ample needs some clarification.

The changing profile of world forests

Forests now cover nearly 4 billion hectares or 30 percent of the world’s land area, however 10 countries account for two-thirds of all forest area: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Indonesia, Peru, the Russian Federation and the United States of America.

South America suffered the largest net loss of forests between 2000 and 2005 - around 4.3 million hectares per year - followed by Africa, which lost 4.0 million hectares annually.

Oceania had a net loss of 356 000 ha/year in 2000-2005, while North and Central America together had a net loss of 333 000 ha/yr. Asia moved from a net loss of around 800 000 ha per year in the 1990s to a net gain of one million hectares per year between 2000 and 2005, primarily as a result of large-scale afforestation reported by China. Forest areas in Europe continued to expand, although at a slower rate than in the 1990s.

Deforestation continues at an alarming rate

Hey We, try watching LinkTV sometime. Try watching "The Earth". Tell me then that it's all bullshit propaganda to enforce a carbon tax on us. I'm going now to watch some of your links.


Well-Known Member
I understand that. i wasnt referring you you med.

Hey We, try watching LinkTV sometime. Try watching "The Earth". Tell me then that it's all bullshit propaganda to enforce a carbon tax on us. I'm going now to watch some of your links.
i know you might have watched these before but ill link them again because this is the only solution i can see to the disappearing forests, its either we use less or we need to find alternative resources AKA cannabis!!!

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1
YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

." you can make four times as much paper from marijuana hemp plant as you can from an acre of trees. AT ONE QUARTER THE COST FROM WOOD PULP and 1/5th the pollution!!"

im sure there are some ruderal marijuana plants that contain nil thc content that we could use for hemp harvests.


Well-Known Member
Medicineman! way to stick up for yourself.

Honestly I'm fucking surprised at how many people on this forums think global warming is all smoke and mirrors. Ever since I was a kid I was brought up learning about the propaganda and bullshit the oil companies have been pulling to cover up their tracks.

All I would like to say, is keep being ostriches and I will say I told you so when your nice coastal properties are flooded from rising sea levels, and our energy hungry society starts World War 3 trying to satiate our hunger for oil.

I consider myself more conservative than not, but really guys, don't believe every piece of horse shit that the media tries to feed you. Are you really going to believe some media tycoon over hundreds of scientists who have been studying these phenomenons for their professional careers? One completely unsubstantiated lawsuit should not be swaying your opinions on something which has been proven as scientific fact. When the Weather Channel brings in a panel of 100 scientists (who don't work for the Bush administration) who have empirical evidence saying global warming is not real, then I might give him a second looking.

:peace: out.


New Member
Well, I watched about a third of one of your links untill it became so repetitive that I couldn't stand any more. My conclusion: when the main proponent of this theory/agenda is named lord of "Blaby", I kinda get the Gist. Blah blah blah. Anyone on either side can put together a bunch of quasi scientists blabbing their viewpoints. It's when you see the results like the glaciers receding, Ice chunks the size of arizona breaking off the ice shelfs of antartica, the extinction possibilities of many creatures, ultimately including us that it starts to sink in. Never in recorded history (History that has recorded weather changes on a daily basis) has the stress on the ecosystem been this drastic. If changes aren't forthcoming, mankind will run out of food before the end of the century. A change in lifestyles is manditory for our survival. You naysayers need to look at the whole picture, not just the warming thing. warming is only a small part of our problems, example: the fisheries are going barren, the topsoil is running on empty. The water tables are not far from drying up. Take a look at Myanmar, their rice fields have been totally destroyed, the lifeblood of the people. The dillema is far worse than Global warming, But I'm still convinced that Man has his fingerprints all over it.


Well-Known Member
lmao, i know there are many variable that effect our earths climate. im not saying that global warming is not happening.. I AM SAYING MAN MADE CO2 IS NOT THE CATALYST THAT IS EFFECTING OUR GREENHOUSE-EFFECT TO A NOTICEABLE EFFECT!!!

for MM and PS, answer these questions-

why is mars experiencing a global warming effect too? how come mars is so cold when its atmosphere is almost completely co2.

explain the great temp fluctuation's in our past history?????? there have been great ice ages, and in the midevil period(i think the temps were greater than ours for a thousand years or so) the average global temps were hotter than they are today(i bet you didnt know that one)..heres the million dollar question, so how could co2 possibly effect temps to such a degree when there were no SUV's, factories, etc, etc???? is it that outlandish to think that maybe temps effect co2 levels and not the other way around?

heres an experiment for you guys to do. take a glass of water and put like four or five ice cubes in there(make sure the ice cubes are not touching the bottom of the glass). next mark the water level on your glass with a marker. wait until the ice cubes melt and then observe the water level. what you will observe is that the water level did not change after the ice melts.

im not a advocate for oil companies or pollution.. i believe the oil companies are scum of the earth and we have technology that would revolutionize the world and would save families countless money if they would let it be available to the public. so dont start saying that im anti-green or any nonsense along those lines. pollution and co2 are totally different entities, if you hear me say that pollution is ok for the environment than you can discredit all of my posts:mrgreen:

edit- the problem with our race is that if we truly believe something its so hard for us to think outside the box, people dont like to be fooled. to think that the people that we have controlling our gov't are lying to us on a daily basis is really really sad.... just look at 911, if you believe that the "terrorists" did it than thats your prerogative. i believe there are too many unanswered questions to buy that garbage. we are invading the middle east because of a terrorist group that we will never find. we might be going to Iran and invading them because they too "harbor terrorists" just look at WTC building 7!!!!!!!! watch it come down, do some research.. its awfully sad... WAKE UP PEOPLE, WAKE UP!