Are you trying to say that we have some things in common?May, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are a pompous ass.
Are you trying to say that we have some things in common?May, I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are a pompous ass.
None, absolutely none.Are you trying to say that we have some things in common?
Thank you.None, absolutely none.
That's untrue you ignorant slut!~LOL~."Name calling" is what liberals do when they are losing an argument.
What, no sense of humor, what an ass!See what I mean?
In my usual spy vs spy mode ... that last post of mine WAS in humor Med. Sorry to see that you missed the humor ... but then you're a humorless libbie, so what can I say?What, no sense of humor, what an ass!
Bullshit. You are just more sneaky with it. The point gets made. I'm more out front. I calls em as I sees em.In my usual spy vs spy mode ... that last post of mine WAS in humor Med. Sorry to see that you missed the humor ... but then you're a humorless libbie, so what can I say?
And by the way ... as you can see, there are no slights, slime or personal attacks in my posts.
A liberal calling a conservative sneaky! Oh the irony!Bullshit. You are just more sneaky with it. The point gets made. I'm more out front. I calls em as I sees em.
What do you mean guys? If you read my posts you should note that I didn't call med a name in eather post, But med called people idiots, stupid, stubborn and an a asshole. In his retort to my post he didn't attack what I said, he attacked me by calling me a pompous ass.come on guys? what does name calling do to bring enlightenment to the table?
I will not put up any walls because he happens to call me a name. I also don't think he wants me to share my facts with him, for some reason it just seems to just piss him calling just causes bitterness and puts up walls!! share facts and refrain from the nonsense.
I can only hope you have good luck with that.i sent medman a plethora of links for him to indulge in maybe he will change his mind?
I can tell you for sure that a lot of your logic is not false, but I responded to meds post on the first page and have only read after where it posted but you seem to have the gist of it. If you wish to understand more read closetcult in the other thread as he was on the money at least on the science part and as deep as you could go without some heavy background in a few areas. What I didn't notice anyone pointing out was that methane is 26 times more refractive than co2 and its light and rises, [though less of this is added by man] where co2 is heavy and sinks where it can be used and removed while methane even if it were in reach, man wouldn't be able to deal with it. Water vapor is a far bigger problem than co2 also and just think of a place like las Vegas a place where man shouldn't be living being so dry less than 8" of rain a year, without water vapor the heat from the day would radiate into space at night and cool down like a desert should but with all the people just the sweat alone adds a lot of vapor, add in the plants of all kinds with the farming, assholes with plants and pools ect.ect. all this water vapor holds the heat in and adds to the heating of the earth. Me I'm not like I live where man has little impact, I let my grass stay from 3"-5" so I have no need to water, recycle everthing ect. so as to be low impact. I'm just not like some who screw up the world and blame it on others. I'm sure you know who you are, shame on you.idk, maybe all my logic is false? but the more i look into global warming the more i realize its a bunch of bullshit just like so many other things....
I don't hate I may play with med but I don't hate anyone, I leave that for others.we need more peace among the people so we can unite and stand up for whats right... rationalize with each other, dont hate..
Bonger, I'm afraid there are way too many who think like that. I'm pretty sure you were joking, but in reality I think it is this attitude that fuels the anti-global warming bullshit. You know who you are,~LOL.I think we should be able to pollute all we want to...who cares?'s our planet we can destroy it if we want too....
I can only hope you have good luck with that.
I can tell you for sure that a lot of your logic is not false, but I responded to meds post on the first page and have only read after where it posted but you seem to have the gist of it. If you wish to understand more read closetcult in the other thread as he was on the money at least on the science part and as deep as you could go without some heavy background in a few areas. What I didn't notice anyone pointing out was that methane is 26 times more refractive than co2 and its light and rises, [though less of this is added by man] where co2 is heavy and sinks where it can be used and removed while methane even if it were in reach, man wouldn't be able to deal with it. Water vapor is a far bigger problem than co2 also and just think of a place like las Vegas a place where man shouldn't be living being so dry less than 8" of rain a year, without water vapor the heat from the day would radiate into space at night and cool down like a desert should but with all the people just the sweat alone adds a lot of vapor, add in the plants of all kinds with the farming, assholes with plants and pools ect.ect. all this water vapor holds the heat in and adds to the heating of the earth. Me I'm not like I live where man has little impact, I let my grass stay from 3"-5" so I have no need to water, recycle everthing ect. so as to be low impact. I'm just not like some who screw up the world and blame it on others. I'm sure you know who you are, shame on you.
I don't hate I may play with med but I don't hate anyone, I leave that for others.
i know you might have watched these before but ill link them again because this is the only solution i can see to the disappearing forests, its either we use less or we need to find alternative resources AKA cannabis!!!I understand that. i wasnt referring you you med.
Hey We, try watching LinkTV sometime. Try watching "The Earth". Tell me then that it's all bullshit propaganda to enforce a carbon tax on us. I'm going now to watch some of your links.